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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. Seriously though: there need to be a series of Sherman-esque statements from Whitmer, Newsom, et al in the next 24 hours.
  2. Convention is in Chicago. Somebody dig up Norman Mailer, use a revival spell, and let’s do this thing!!
  3. Im def not the crowd for it, an maybe I’m gwnerally out of tune, but I’m finding this speech weird, mawkish, a bit off putting? I kind of prefer my Trump spitting fire and not acting like he’s a bridge builder.
  4. This. It’s the reverse of Minnesota or New Mexico being in play. If that’s true, Trump will sweep the Midwest and SW
  5. My wife has been on two progressive calls this morning. Lot of smoke pouring out of the White House.
  6. My issue with Shapiro is he's smallish. I'm a bit with Trump on liking my Politicians to look like politicians, and that means some height in men. And I say that as a manlet. Luckily Harris is short, as is JD Vance.
  7. Prolly some anodyne Southern Governor like Andy Brashear, Roy Cooper, or Jon Bel Edwards.
  8. Literally ran this play on my mom at one point. Old age is hell.
  9. Shit. If you can competently read off a teleprompter, you've doubled Biden's capacity right now. Being able to speak in complete sentences without notes is Einstein level stuff for the Dem Candidate.
  10. As I understand it, this is more or less correct. The money issue is much simpler with Harris.
  11. once he's nominated and accepted, the only way to get him off the ballot is for him to resign the Presidency, if you want to avoid the ballot complications. And he'd have to do it around Labor Day, I'd think. Short of a full blow rebellion with MoC boycotting the convention, Cabinet Secretaries openly calling for the 25th, Obama and Clinton publicly calling on him to step aside, Donor's bailing in giant numbers, I just don't see Biden leaving. They've convinced themselves they are the comeback kids. They aren't even talking to much of their campaign at this point.
  12. It's fine. Happy to suffer through another Trump Term. Just as long as Joe, Jill, Hunter, and Ashley don't have to get the feels.
  13. As much as everyone keeps talking about the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, it's going to look like a different Democratic Convention in Chicago: 1956, when they nominated Adlai Stevenson to get slaughtered by Eisenhower.
  14. JFC, the Dem Convention is going to have such a funereal atmosphere.
  15. Putting aside the technical difficulties of getting her at the top of the ticket, I think Big Gretch is keeping her powder dry from 2028 and hoping we still have elections then.
  16. Because the Wildly Unpopular Old Man at the top of the ticket is?
  17. It's not who he is, as much as what he looks like, this is America afterall:
  18. This is kinda shaping up to be the Women Vs. Men election. And the Democratic party is not giving women a lot to work with, while the Trump and the GOP are just straight pumping Bro Energy into the XY system. But sure, sit back and hope a moribund candidacy and Dobbs will drag the party across the line in MI, WI, and PA.
  19. That's the problem: The party (non necessarily Biden's inner circle, who I think are trapped in a confirmation bias loop of epic proportions) is just in disbelief that this is happening and swing voter's are considering Trump again. And it's creating a denial problem that is trapping the party. The first thing you have to do is accept swing voters will vote for Trump again, even after voting for Biden in 2020. Then work the problem backward from there.
  20. Biden's chances are worse than Harris, IMO. She's not an ideal choice, but at least she's vibrant and gives everyone who hates Trump but doesn't want an 81 year old man who can barely read a teleprompter an option. Attach a Andy Brashear or Roy Cooper as VP, and hope Trump can't control himself and reverts to the mean.
  21. This is the hard part for committed progressives and political junkies to understand: Biden was never particularily popular, but represented a digestible alternative for low information swing voters to Trump's invective and boobish presidential term. They could swallow his age then. Increasingly, they can't now, and by staying the race and showing the candidate energy of a near corpse, he's letting the GOP slowly convince the same low information swing voters that maybe they can live with another Trump term, since they are clearly stating they don't think Biden is capable as either a candidate or a elected official.
  22. No, No. You don't understand: There is a close knit circle of advisors and family members who REALLY understand what America wants, and see that Biden is actually WILDLY popular, all polls are wrong, and he's got the Mo, Jack. The vast bulk of his party being in the dumps, depressed, and resigned to a second Trump term and future GOP autocracy is just Elite (TM) talk.
  23. If the GOP convention suddenly looks like the 2004 GOP convention, and Trump comes out playing peacemaker on Thursday....then we will have some news that worth paying attention too. If it's the same swamp of conspiracy theories, "FAKE NEWS," nonsensical anti-leftest drival, and Trump comes out and does one of his stream of consciousness brain dumps that include sharks and weak showers(with added NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE [TM]), next Monday we will likely be back to how do the Democrats get rid of Biden.
  24. One of my sons plays D&D, so this is a nerd reference, but spot on: Trump rolls nothing but Natural 20s. It's frankly unbelievable. He's basically Domino from Deadpool 2.
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