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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. Well, the chances that if he had become an academic that he would have fucked a few students is 100%
  2. 20+ years ago everyone agreed Jack Welch was the greatest CEO of the late 20th century. Now there’s an entire industry in debunking the myth of Welch and GE and listing all the ways he set the company up for its eventual demise and break up.
  3. My job involves me sitting down with strangers, and reading their body language, responses, and political office needs and necessities to convince them to do something in my employer's interest. And I don't have a PAC or write campaign checks. It's all personality, emotional intelligence, preparation, and a little bit of luck. I'm fucking good at my job. I am hell of a lobbyist. Along those lines: It's damn hard to be a good politician. It requires both physical stamina (they shake so many fucking hands), a thick skin, the ability to think on your feet, and being absolutely shameless, especially in asking for money. You don't want me engineering your electric car, even if I can tell you where the lithium in it comes from and why renewable energy challenges aren't a mining issue, it's a chemistry issue. If Elon Musk came on board and said: I want to improve Twitter's algorithm and interface to improve it's user experience and drive eyeballs/clicks/revenue, I'd buy that. When he showed up and basically said: I'm going to be a giant personality/troll, well, let's say I'm doubtful.
  4. This was my wife's take, as she's a fairly consistent twitter user. I gave up twitter a few years ago and get my dopamine from instagram instead.
  5. Look, I live and work in DC. While you can fling a stick and hit a lawyer in this town, almost any of us can fake it at least a little. Until people actually start talking about taking real legal action, then most people start cracking out the "I'm not a lawyer" real fast.
  6. Jesus Christ, Silicon Valley wasn't a comedy-drama, it was a fucking documentary.
  7. This feels like a good time to remind everyone that Elon Musk and his friends, are, well, kinda dumb. Also: This
  8. When you first meet Jack Dorsey in hatching Twitter, he’s a pretty stereotypical Birkenstock wearing SF hippy granola. Focused on heathy lifestyle and progressive values. By the end of the book, he’s a basically a Steve Jobs clone, complete with the turtle neck. now he’s an ascetic tech guru. There is no core Jack Dorsey, only whatever he decides he needs to be in that moment.
  9. Say whatever you want about Jack Dorsey, but the man certainly knows how to stick his finger in the wind.
  10. blow the damn, flood all of the sourthern oblast.
  11. 1. Snyder is actually one of the poorer owners in the league. He basically pissed away all his non Redskins money and all his value is wrapped up in the team. He had to borrow at least $500 million to buy out his prior partners for $750 million. 2. He could potentially sell a stake to try and build a stadium, but he would have to sell at least 40%, assuming the current valuation to raise the money he needs to purchase the land and pay partially out of pocket to build the stadium. I'm not sure how many people are going to be willing to hand Dan Snyder 2.5 billion dollars in a minority, non-voting stake that he gets to use to build a stadium for a team he has shown no ability to run competently. 3. I say this with no sarcasm: I do think Taylor Swift bypassing DC on her summer tour is at least a contributing factor here. The only other major NFL city that got bypassed was Miami. It illustrates a much bigger problem: The current stadium has virtually no reuse value due to location and state of disrepair. And every local community has now bypassed building him a stadium: The RFK location requires congressional approval, and in DC local politics, Snyder is toxic as fuck after playing footsy with Trump. Maryland has publically said they won't bid against another location The Virginia legislation just embarassed him and pulled a stadium bill and all the sponsors basically called Snyder a piece of shit The Owners would have to approve a move. And not even Jerry would defend him in those ESPN articles a few weeks ago. He has no friends in the ownership group. He could be trying to find partners and continue fucking with the other owners. But he is in a bad place: A stadium will take at least 2 years to build, not even accounting for the public infrastructure improvements, legal wrangling, and financing time. He is running out of time to move and is increasingly looking like having to sign a lease extension at the current stadium. OTOH: Bezos would probably be able to put together a stadium deal in the blink of an eye.
  12. Not only have they been demanding it, when they were given it on Truth Social and Parlar initially, the site owners had to immediately do content moderation because racists and anti-Semites immediately went ham and damn near destroyed the sites right out of the gate.
  13. It really does boil down to the fact that 25% of the population wants to use the N word and if they can't, they'll burn society to the ground.
  14. I'm not sure I would equate the blue check mark with expertise. I read Nate Silver for statistics content. But when he starts opining about Covid trends or the vaccine, I just roll my eyes and close the tab. But I know for a fact it's actually Nate Silver that I am scoffing at. The second thing you posted is where Twitter could monetize effectively: Making the experience better. I basically quite twitter except for a few political things for my job because it's such a misery inducing experience if you aren't an expert with Tweetdeck, which is pretty much for addicts and as I understand it, only kinda/sorta works. I want to filter out the garbage my self so that I get the chuckles from some of the old Deadspin hands (like Clue Heywood) that I enjoy, while also being able to specifically sort and read all the politically content I need. The rest is just flotsam. If you can get it so the feeds are easily sorted and stacked, then what the fuck do I care if Dan Bongino wants to tweet about how shooting bleach in your balls cures cancer and democracy?
  15. Other than occasionally wandering into the Red Sox thread, I would never deem to roll around in that pig sty.
  16. For all the people screaming about about TEH VILLAGE SQUARE!!!! WE TWEET, YOU DECIDE!!! and subtly bitching about how people can’t be racist/antisemitic/antiLGTBQ onnline and that’s a violation of their free speech, you seem to be missing a really important point: The vast bulk of users don’t want that. They don’t want racists and shit flingers polluting the public square. People are looking for their special interest and a few chuckles. Content moderation is as much about quality of experience as it is about “freedom of speech” (which isn’t a thing on a privately held website, where you don’t have to participate if you don’t like it. if immamac just let people say whatever the fuck they wanted in this site, it would become polluted to the point of failure.
  17. Here's a very niche but excellent example using Nate Silver: It's post election season and the Nate's get into a twitter slap fight (Nate Silver and Nate Cohn) about why Democrat's under-performed their polling for the 1000th time. If you are twitter's sales team, you get an insta hard on, because a very upper echelon and marketable part of your coastal audience are going to suddenly open their twitter apps to watch the two nerds argue. You can sell that shit to advertisers. Next thing you know, Patagonia on your page advertising the latest and greatest Better Sweater. Twitter didn't do anything other than find an sell-able opportunity and take advantage. The Nate's created all the content. That's why it's absurd to think they will pay for status that doesn't generate income back to them.
  18. I'm not entirely certain Elon Musk does either. As somebody else posted: If the service you are participating in is free, you are the product that is being sold. Either as an advertising audience, data source, etc. The users on any social media are the product being sold. Other groups are paying to access them, maybe its political parties paying Facebook to access the algorithm and sell you targeted advertising (did you know there's a Senate race in Pennsylvania? My facebook never, ever lets me forget) or Amazon paying Insta for access to it's data collection so it can tailor it's app feed very specifically to whatever you are looking/at. Elon seems to think that he can charge people to use social media. I don't care enough about my racist Uncle to actually pay to see his feed, dipshit. You might be able to find a bit of extra revenue by charging to allow people to access special content from top users, but those users will then rightfully expect to get a piece of that action.
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