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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. The dinner party isn’t essential to the story, but it provides an enormous amount of color and filling into exactly how fucked the Atriedes are.
  2. Sounds like Cavill left because he had creative differences with the producers, but more importantly, Bezos money whipped him into doing Warhammer 40K, with full exec producer control (and he’s a huge nerd/warhammer geek) link
  3. Lol. Mostly what struck me was the footprints in the dead pools in the canyon itself. I don’t know if it was migrants or just stupid tourists, but the river didn’t have enough flow to scour them away.
  4. This was just outside the mouth of Santa Elena last December. That’s Mexico on the right
  5. Certified Not Poor here. SWA is the biggest carrier out of BWI, which is my most convenient airport and the easiest route for Boy #1 in SAT.
  6. While I suspect this is a joke over my head, I have friends who scuba and like golfers, they cannot avoid checking unless you want to rent.
  7. I did 2 weeks in Asia on a 22 carry on And under-seat back pack Granted we did laundry a couple times. If you are willing to rewear clothes and bring a collapsible day pack, you can absolutely make it work. I’m not one of y’all Up In The Air level travel hounds, but 90% of people travel with tons of stuff you don’t need/won’t wear. The rest is learning how to turn one piece into multiples/. A quick dry cargo swim short is swim/workout/hike/sleepwear.
  8. Open seating is in theory second fastest way to board a plane, beyond outside in, back to front, which nobody does in practice because of boarding groups and status. But it doesn’t do you a lot of good if your plane doesn’t actually fucking fly because of complete system collapse.
  9. I stand corrected. It’s gone up since the last time I looked.
  10. I’ve seen almost every major blockbuster. But I’ve definitely missed a more off the beaten path Best Picture winner here or there (Shape of Water, 12 Years a Slave, etc). My big no see is Hamilton, either show or the Disney live verson. At this point, I’ve become a Non Star Wars watcher about it: people have demanded I watch it so many times that I will obstinately go to my grave uninitiated. The Avatar non watchers aren’t missing anything. I forgot 3/4 of the plot before I hit the Movie Theater exits after it was over.
  11. Just a quick reminder, It’s 6 degrees with a -15 windchill in Des Moines rn, where 1/3 of the states energy is wind supplied. Minimal outages. It doesn’t have to be this way in Texas. You actively choose this.
  12. Damnit @atomheartbevo beat me to it.
  13. Dripping all the faucets in PG County:
  14. Just one 8 ball? Hanna has been stringing together bags for awhile. It’s all about whether he can catch McCauley before he comes apart at the seams.
  15. You and that fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.
  16. I totally forgot Blackhawk Down. So Sizemore worked with Mann, Spielberg, and Scott. Wowzer. William Fictner was in Blackhawk and Heat as well.
  17. It’s kind weird, but Tom Sizemore was in the two greatest ensemble cast movies, which also happen to have the two greatest action scenes in history.
  18. There is miserable. Then there is todays weather in the DMV: wet and cold.
  19. What else you selling? All kinds of shit. But I don’t have to sell this and you know it, ‘cause this kind of shit here sells itself.
  20. Any best of movie list with Deadpool 2 in it (which I love) doesn’t understand the movie, Ryan Reynolds, and should be immediately discounted.
  21. Somebody on this site was working downtown in an investment firm when they shot that scene. Said it sounded like the end of the world.
  22. Yeah, for those Iranian Drones, gun AA is probably much more effective. It’s mobile and much easier to train up. Which is ironic, since gun AA was being phased out for land use in favor of missile based systems, and we could now see its return. (Cue “Loud cheering heard coming from BAE (Bofors) board room”)
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