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Angry Gorilla

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. Granted it was a sample size of 1, but I met Major on 6th when I was in school and he couldn't have been a bigger piece of shit. I also met Simms once on 6th and he was extremely nice. He was also surrounded by hot chicks, while Major was hitting on a chubby girl in our group.
  2. Yeah I’ve mailed tickets in before, but this one was really faded and I wanted to be there in case they tried to reject it. Plus I wanted to check pandemic Vegas out.
  3. I went in June for 2 nights. I out a pretty sizeable bet on KC to win the SB last year, but wasn't out there to cash it. In late May I noticed my bet ticket was fading and almost unreadable. I flew out midweek for 2 nights to cash it in. I stayed at Cosmo and the casino was packed. I only tried to gamble once and found an empty BJ table. I lost my ass for an hour and tried to find another one but they were all packed so I just went and sat at an empty bar in one of the restaurants. I played golf the next day, cashed my ticket, and stayed in my room the rest of the time. It really sucked.
  4. Did we have many pre-game fights? This is the only one I remember,,,,
  5. The best part was Aneesa taking Fessy back as a partner.
  6. Tom Brown's Body is really good. A missing person/murder mystery in a small town in the Texas panhandle. Unlike a lot of true crime podcasts I have listened to, this crime is recent (2016 I think)
  7. I saw some arguments on Twitter about the winner of that jackpot. What is the tipping protocol there?
  8. Didn't Pascal's son look into the screen and wish that his dad would be there with him right now? Why did his wish not get granted?
  9. Yeah the only “snag” I can think of is if one gender gets drawn too often, the teams get out of whack and you have too many “rogue agents”.
  10. That is a great idea. It would be much better if they didn’t know which gender was in the chopping block.
  11. https://twitter.com/JulieAnnDobbs/status/1338702545032769536?s=20
  12. I think he was talking about the victim's sister (Aunt Conway)
  13. Maybe his GF just committed to playing softball here
  14. Maybe the gift card was for $1,000,000
  15. I'm pretty sure he is the Traces of Texas photography guy on FB and Twitter. Great follow.
  16. Guns and Roses came up and Bob mentioned he went to see them on the last tour and Corby shit all over him for liking Guns and Roses. Corby claimed what Bob saw wasn’t really Guns and Roses, just a shell, even though pretty much all the original members were on the tour.
  17. There is a podcast done by 2 UT students about the Jennifer Cave/Colton Pitonyak/Laura Hall case called The Orange Tree. It's well done, but there isn't a lot of new information for those of us that followed the case from the beginning.
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