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Angry Gorilla

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. Who is in the HOF of looks? I'll start with Ashley from the SD season or RW.
  2. Yeah, I worry about that happening while my wife is at home and I'm not.
  3. Finally got in to see the oncologist today. That's his 5th vet visit since going blind. Selfishly, it was worst case scenario as I was hoping the decision would be made for me and it wasn't. The tumor has completely blocked off his right nasal cavity and has eaten through bone and gotten into his brain which caused the blindness. The vet said he is probably in considerable pain, though did say the pain medicine he is on now is very strong and he prescribed some more that would help with pain (that we had filled at Walgreens which seemed weird to me). He said we could go the palliative route and keep him pilled up and we would be looking at 3-5 months, but he also said as fast as this has come on it would likely be less than that. The other option is radiation therapy. He said the technology has come a long way, but there is no chance it would cure him. It could shrink the tumor to relieve pain, and did mention there is a small chance some vision could return (he could see shapes and lights but would still be mostly blind). Best case scenario would be 9 more months, but he is old (8.5) and overweight so 9 months would be very optimistic. The treatment involves taking him in 5X/week for 4 weeks. The treatment only takes 5 minutes, but they have to put him under anesthesia each time and he stays there for ~2 hours. My wife can't load him into her car as he turns into dead weight if you try to pick him up. I work for myself and could do it, but it is a lot to put him through. The vet also said after treatment he would feel better, but the tumor would slowly start growing back and he would eventually be in the same position where he is blind, in pain, and in a drug induced fog. We are waiting to hear from our normal vet, who has been great, tomorrow after he reads the synopsis and hoping he gives us better direction. We had to put down my dog 2 years ago and after we did I have always felt guilty that I kept her around too long selfishly and should have done it much sooner. My wife is also pregnant with our first child and she is worried about the stress of seeing him waste away. He already gets terrible nose bleeds and the vet said seizures should come next. I think we decided that if we didn't go through with the treatment, we wouldn't do the palliative route and would go ahead with euthanasia. He is already a shell of himself now and would only get worse with the growing tumor and added medicine. And he is in pain. Hopefully the vet tomorrow helps with the decision, but any advice is appreciated.
  4. The food is slightly above mediocre, but my wife really liked doing the Reunion Tower for one of our previous anniversaries.
  5. I saw on Twitter that the movie is about Jesse after he escapes
  6. There is a show based off of the Dirty John podcast starting Connie Britton and Eric Bana
  7. That was a hot box. I'm 39 and I enjoy it. When I went to a regular gym I got caught up alternating the same workout routines and it became boring. I like that every day is a new workout I probably have never done before. My class has the young guys that are really serious and good, and some older guys like me that I can workout with end be pushed by.
  8. Hard to believe right? Also, it's somehow a bigger bachelorette party destination.
  9. I was probably the weird/bad roommate my freshman year. I lived in Dobie in a 2 bedroom suite with a living room in between with 3 friends from HS. My mom came down a few weeks after I moved in for my birthday and for my bday present she gave me 2 live hamsters and a cage (wtf!?!?). I didn't have the heart to tell her to take them home with her, so I kept them. I was good about feeding/watering them, but not good at cleaning cage. After 2-3 weeks, they were able to chew through the cage and get loose. I was too cheap/lazy to go buy another cage, so I just let them free roam in our dorm room. I left them food and water in a corner, and they would only piss/shit in one particular corner. I would take whatever free sorority crush or random college free tshirt and leave in that corner. They would pee and shit on it and when it got bad I would just wad it up and go throw it away in the laundry room. They lived there for a couple of months, and for some reason would crawl into one of the roommate's bed when he was asleep and would always freak him out. I finally talked some girl into taking them. My roommate that I actually shared a room with bragged to me how much smarter he was than me and scheduled all late classes so he could sleep in every day. Every morning I woke up I would blare "Winds of Change" by Scorpions on my computer then password lock it before I left for class.
  10. They have to be making more than that. I remember Richie Whitt (sp?) wrote that article about all of the hosts turning their back on Greggo after he was booted and it said Greggo was making $500K at the time. That had to have been over 10 years ago too.
  11. Just got off the phone with our vet. He said from the MRI there is a mass in his right nasal cavity that has spread to some other part of his sinus. He said the next step is to decide if we want to go through with treatment, or make him comfortable the rest of his life. If we go through with treatment, they he will need a surgery for a biopsy to identify the type of cancer, then they will formulate a plan of chemo/radiation etc. Since our vet isn't an oncologist, he couldn't give us a recommendation on which path to choose and instead referred us to a vet oncologist who will be better equipped to make a recommendation. I will call this afternoon after they get his records from our vet to schedule a consultation. Our vet said there is no cure to eliminate the cancer, and his vision would most likely not come back. I'm not sure which choice I would prefer. It will be 2 years tomorrow since we had to put down our last dog who had degenerative something or other where her spinal cord started deteriorating. According to the vet, she was completely pain free but her back legs were 100% paralyzed. The vet left it up to us to determine her quality of life and we kept her around for 6 months. She had good days and bad, but in hindsight I feel we kept her around a little too long selfishly. This time I am hoping (selfishly) that the vet doesn't leave us with such an open ended decision about his life and tells us what we should do. He is adjusting amazingly to being blind, so much so that I am constantly checking to see if his eyesight has come back (it hasn't). He can navigate our entire first floor and enter and leave rooms on his own, find his water bowls, and goes straight to the back door and barks when he wants out. We never let him out alone, but he can walk across our back deck to one of the only 2 spots of grass we have to pee, then he walks around the pool to the other spot to take a shit. I took him on a walk the last 2 mornings, and he walks confidently down the street. He can even remember where a curb is (5 houses down) that he has to step over and starts high stepping as he gets closer. He will even go sit at our front window where he used to always sit and wait for another neighborhood dog to walk by and bark at them. He can't see them now obviously, but our other dog (who never used to bark at the other dogs walking by) will sit next to him and bark once to let him know a dog in his his yard and let him go crazy barking.
  12. Just took him in for MRI yesterday. They found a mass in his sinus cavity that is most likely cancer. Could also be a fungal something but unlikely. Waiting for our vet to call for next steps but the MRI place said it would probably be a biopsy.
  13. Speaking of little details, when you play Texas Hold 'em, after each hand the dealer picks up every card and stacks them before handing them to the next dealer.
  14. I do not, but I have one you can borrow
  15. Hopefully next week follows the party bus story line
  16. Our 8 year old golden retriever, Colt, woke up Sat morning completely fine, and by late afternoon was completely blind. So far we have been to our normal vet, and an eye specialist, and back to the eye specialist tomorrow and MRI next week. I'm not sure what best case scenario is for all of this, but it obviously sucks.
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