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Angry Gorilla

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. The remix is great so far. Lucille: Look, it's the anus tart. <Narrator>: She hadn't even seen the license plate.
  2. Grab me some Bitcoins when you are back there. Thanks in advance.
  3. There are some private rooms in the back of STK that are great for a big group
  4. The best part was the metaphor Pauly gave about Ronnie's call being like Ronnie running into the police station with blood all over his hands admitting to murder.
  5. Same, hopefully they don't change anything if they buy it. Staying there in August.
  6. There is a Sheraton by the ballpark and convention center that has a bar in it and a nice pool.
  7. My brother and his wife are both Tech grads, and decided to get married on a UT-Tech weekend. He is one of those pretend fans that talks like he is a huge football fan, but probably couldn't name 5 people on the roster. All of the other groomsmen were Tech grads and we got to sit around the church (no beer) huddled around our phones. Tech beat our ass too that weekend, and the other dildo Tech groomsmen were insufferable.
  8. Looks like the airing of Ronnie's cheating episode didn't go over so well... http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2018/05/jersey-shore-star-ronnie-ortiz-magro-girlfriend-jen-harley-split-instagram-live-altercation
  9. I was lulzing afterwards when they were talking about Emmitt leaving the studio and turning on the Ticket to see if they were talking about his interview only to hear "Man Trying To Have a Period"
  10. How old are these friends? And what is M Resort?
  11. Angry Gorilla


    So Slash finally cut his hair huh?
  12. I can't wait to see the inevitable damage to the dock from the multiple attempts at pulling into the slip.
  13. I haven't been to Mayfest since I was a kid throwing confetti eggs around and building shit out of scraps of wood. What is there to do now that I am an adult without kids. I assume there is beer?
  14. It's done any supposedly the boat is safe and on the lift, though I have my doubts. Wasn't planning on going out next weekend, but probably will to take inventory of the damage. She did send a pic that they somehow scratched the back of the boat but don't know how. Sounds like bullshit to me, there was no scratch before. I also had to endure numerous drunken calls on Saturday as I had to walk them through putting the boat up in the slip, lowering the tower, lifting the list, etc. That may have been the greatest test of patience I have ever gone through. Her: "Does the canopy on the tower need to be sticking up before you lower it?" Me: "Yes, it needs to be up before you lower it" Her: "No it doesn't"
  15. Can't wait for the Dallas show tomorrow
  16. No code, just unfiltered stupid wife communication
  17. Last text as they are getting boat ready to take out... "Do I take the plastic thing off the thing?"
  18. I just got a text that they did in fact make it to the dumpster like it was some kind of big accomplishment. Which in this case it probably is.
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