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Angry Gorilla

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. My wife is having a girls' weekend at the lake house, and has finally realized she doesn't know how to do anything out there besides drink craft beer and boss me around. While we were out there last weekend she wanted me to show her how shit works out there. I was showing her how to drive the Mule we have to take the trash to the dumpster. There is a parking brake handle to the left of the steering wheel and a gear shift on right with... L H N R She asked where the "D" for Drive was, which was stupid but I don't fault her too much for that. I tell her to put it in "H" and we drive to dumpster. She then puts it in "R" and starts to open the door to get out. I ask what the hell she's doing and she said "What?? I put it in "R" for Park."
  2. No problem, can't get it twice..... right???
  3. What are some of the top prizes at each place and what do they go for? Is an ipad the top of the list?
  4. I'm still there, so not all
  5. Guilty. I also like cats. I like dogs better, but I also like cats.
  6. She looks like a poor man's Scarlett Johansson. Would.
  7. I can't comment on if it's the same repetitive missions or not yet, but I did play for an hour or so last night and I really liked it. First scene/mission was intense. I really liked the last Assassin's Creed though, so we may have different tastes.
  8. I should have said wasn't the best NFL prospect, which I know doesn't mean best player. He was definitely the most valuable player on the team. He definitely was not better or more important than LT though.
  9. I looked it up and there is just 1 winner, regardless of sex. But I also agree there is probably more happening behind the scenes for them to make that decision. No one can be that stupid.....right?
  10. Just came to post that. Unbelievable, he wasn't even the best player on his team.
  11. I like the true crime ones... Serial Up and Vanished Someone Knows Something Dirty John
  12. But doesn't this season just have 1 winner? Not a guy and girl winner? So that would make Zach a threat to the girls.
  13. Played pool with Ron Jeremy Sat next to Herman Cain while playing blackjack. He drank white wine the whole time. Rode the elevator up with Urijah Fabor Walked past Guy Fieri in airport Met Durant in Northpark Mall when the Thunder were playing the Mavs in the playoffs
  14. My last response was "You're an idiot", and I haven't gotten a text in 3 hours now, which I think is text talk for <tone>
  15. Correct me if my logic is wrong here, but I was confused as to Kailah and Cara Maria's reasoning why they didn't want to put Zach in. They both said they wanted to run a final with him because he was good. That makes (some) sense on previous seasons where the finals are coed teams of 2, but isn't this season an every man/woman for themselves? Wouldn't keeping Zach in because he was the best competitor the worst decision for all 3 of them?
  16. My wife has been texting me all morning in a panic. We are going out to a family lake house tomorrow for Easter weekend and she had ordered some layout chairs to be delivered tomorrow. She just got an alert that they were now being delivered today. She wants to know if she should drive 1.5 hours each way to go get them. I ask her what she is so worried about (no issues with crime there) and she says she is worried about the rain and them getting wet. She is worried about the layout chairs, that will be permanently located outdoors on an uncovered dock next to a lake, getting wet.
  17. Same. Much safer when pulling out, and backup camera makes it a breeze.
  18. Justin quizzing Rachel Starr by reading out adult movie titles and asking her if she was in them was great.
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