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Go Pokes

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  1. Your post makes no sense. Is the Right 12 cooking in my favor or against me? What don’t I care about, other than what a bunch of whiny cunts think of me? The game? I cared but knew we had almost no chance.
  2. Looking forward to it actually, Cunt. It not like we were knocking on the door of a national championship anyway. It’ll be cool to be on even footing with conference mates. CFB is fun when you don’t get all wrapped up in winning the NC and just enjoy the Ws. And you ignore the Ls.
  3. Oh I’m enjoying this much more than the game. I can do this all night. Hypocrisy is one of my favorite things. This thread should be pinned right next to Tell me about Tx A&M. Your 5% shitty internet fan (represented here) has fully morphed into aggy.
  4. Deep Friend Cunt
  5. Oh I will. There’s no guarantee Ou scores a TD with first and goal from the 9 w/ five minutes left. Even if they do, we had time to get a FG to win it. I assume you’ve gone through every call made that game and determined how it would have affected the final score. Maybe they shouldn’t have been losing late to a team that lost 49-21 today and 45-3 to UCF.
  6. Perfect post for this thread. Close it down!
  7. Would be nice to see this thread closed. Cause it’s an embarrassment to UT how aggy it makes us look. Fify
  8. Whatever you say Biggest Fucking Crybaby on this site.
  9. Dude. It seems like every cunt on here is on the edge of their seat waiting to roast me. Like I give a tiny fuck. Roast away. This thread is the perfect representation of the aggieficatiinnif the UT fan base. Congrats cunts! You did it!
  10. Guy has priorities in line Guy lives in Austin Guy’s friends are all UT fans Guy can’t believe his team is even in this game Why is this hard to understand? We don’t belong here. We overachieved for 5 glorious weeks. Today was a formality. But keep thinking I’m somehow crushed by this if it makes you feel like the big bad bully. We aren’t the best team in the conference. We aren’t even the 2nd or 3rd best team. This is all gravy
  11. I’m good. Game was over early so thought I’d have some fun. It’s amazing to me after the last 13years that you guys can’t comprehend someone not making sports the end all be all. It’s a fucking game we have no business being in. And we single-handedly are responsible for OU not being here. We lost to South Alabama and UCF by a combined score of 88-10. Does anyone really think I was on the edge of my seat today, chewing my nails?
  12. You caught me. I had no idea of the stats and haven’t paid much attention to the game since the first quarter. Just wanted to poke the insufferable cunt a little.
  13. 98 responses sets three more interested in me than the game.
  14. More calls have gone your way. Can’t you guys just enjoy your day? I can’t imagine being such an insufferable cunt that I’d be obsessing over one opposing fan when my team is on the precipice of a conference championship and possible playoff spot. Of course, I’m an adult who properly prioritizes sports. So apples to oranges. Congrats and good luck in the playoffs (hopefully). Not for your sakes of course. You guys are cunts. But for all my UT friends, which is pretty much most of my friends. So I’m out on this. Sorry I started it. Try to get over your victim mentality for a few hours and enjoy the day. Though insufferable cunts are never happier than when they’re miserable.
  15. You kinda take this shit a bit too seriously. You ought think about developing a sense of humor. What are you, about 17 or 18?
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