It's so thorough that it's almost distracting. I spend the entire episode trying to find her like she's Waldo.
I've always kind of liked Corey, but he's really becoming more and more likable. I wish he'd have a talk with Nelson.
Melissa's meltdown seemed to come out of almost nowhere. She had some shit boiling up and it just exploded during the vote. If it hadn't been directed at Josh, I might even say it was uncalled for and over the line with the personal attack. But it's Josh, so I'll allow it.
I think Swaggy and Bayleigh did play their game perfectly. Swaggy looked scared before the purgatory. He sure didn't looked fired up to go in there and prove himself like he should have. If I'm correct, I think their strategy was to last as long as they could, try to make a few bonds (could have done better at this), and try to develop some kind of Challenge persona that will get them invited back. I think they accomplished that, but we'll see. If you were familiar with them coming in, they did about as good a job of changing their image as they could. Granted, that doesn't mean I like them, but I might not be opposed to them coming back. And after watching them on BB, that was the absolute ceiling for them.
If Nany can convince Kaycee to hook up with her, she will officially be the hook up queen of the Challenge.