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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. Years ago. I don't ever remember her hot and I'm pretty old. The first time I saw her was on some awful reality show (The Surreal Life maybe?) and she looked like a facelift nightmare 10+ years ago. Honestly, I can't say she looks any worse now. Once you reach that level of fucking horror, it's splitting hairs.
  2. I know very little about Shakespeare and the only answer I could come up with was Iago. So James probably knew just enough Shakespeare to confuse himself. If only he were a little more ignorant like me, we'd still be playing this.
  3. I think the argument would be that they obviously colluded together in setting their line ups. Each of them turned in 150 unique line ups, which is within the rules. The problem is, each of their 150 unique line ups were also different than each other's line ups. So basically, Tyler used his wife's name to enable him to enter the contest twice and was able to submit 300 unique line ups where everybody else was only able to turn in 150. That's where they broke the rules. Of course, I'm sure a bunch of other people did the same thing. Just don't make your partner in crime your wife.
  4. Saw that. Tanner is into FF. Jade not so much.
  5. There was some blonde last night that just lost her shit when she didn't get the first impression rose. He was acting like she wanted to quit because she didn't get the first rose handed out. Bitch, he's giving out about 20 more roses. Cool your shit. This batch of girls seem quite a bit hotter than the last season. I'm hoping a lot crazier and freakier as well. And no more Hannah. Ugh. Unattractive and can't string more than 7 words together without sounding brain damaged? Sign me up! Enough already.
  6. I can’t argue with this. I did the same thing.
  7. I’m not smart enough to know what this means.
  8. I saw Uncut Gems over the holidays. Man, what a beating. It was good, but I did not enjoy the experience. I was literally rooting for Sandler's character to get murdered just so I wouldn't have to watch him continue to make stupid decisions. The entire movie was loud and extremely frantic. After an hour I was desperately looking for a nice quiet moment where nothing was happening. I think I'd have enjoyed it more watching at home where I could take occasional breaks. It was just too much for my old ass. I'm starting to think my movie viewing has changed considerably over the past 20 years. In 1999, when I was an insufferable movie snob, I think I'd have enjoyed this movie. Now, I just can't stand watching movies about fucking losers making bad decisions the entire time. It reminded me how I felt when I walked out of White Boy Rick. I couldn't find a thread on this movie but I'm curious what other people thought of this movie. edit: I did a search and, though there isn't a thread for the movie, most of the comments I read from this thread pretty much thought the same thing.
  9. Do you ever see a thread that you were following that hasn't had any activity in a while pop back up with new posts? You're all excited thinking maybe a new season is coming or a new cast member has been added. Then you open it and it's a bunch of nonsensical gibberish. Yeah, that kind of sucks.
  10. Just watched this tonight. Still kicks ass
  11. I just watched Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure for the first time. Since I’m not a 12 year old boy, I’d have to say this is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Junanji II - if you liked the first one, you’ll probably like this one too. Jumanji (original Robin Williams version) - didn’t like it as much as the new ones.
  12. I grew up a rabid Cowboys hater. Despised them and everyone associated with with them. I became a Dallas fan at the same moment you ceased being one.
  13. I've only watched about 15 minutes, but Jay Pharoah seemed to be having some trouble with JJ. I think he underestimated just how cartoonish a character JJ was and how that would look on TV now.
  14. Did anyone else know that Tori and Jordan sing? They're actually pretty damn good. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEV_en&sxsrf=ACYBGNTad0s0FF2oi39vu8NKhGbzRI8CMg%3A1576778130247&ei=krn7XeLQDorPtQbk2YaQCA&q=tori+and+jordan+song&oq=tori+and+jordan+song&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i20i263j0i7i30.3981.5716..9102...0.3..0.223.684.6j0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i7i10i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i13i30j0i8i13i10i30j0i13.zptctoWHmrQ&ved=0ahUKEwji4d6ipMLmAhWKZ80KHeSsAYIQ4dUDCAs&uact=5
  15. Any of you OSU guys want these? I don’t drink as much beer as I used to and when I do, I’m too lazy to bother with them. FYI- they’re the freezable type.
  16. Who would have predicted that the conference would lose two more teams after Nebraska left? I had said that Nebraska went to the Big 10 for more money and WAY more stability in the conference. Lots of replies on the money aspect, nary a peep on the conference stability issue. I guess that point is conceded? Wasn’t the instability caused by Nebraska leaving?
  17. I’m not sure Beneath the POTA should count either.
  18. Watched all three Planet of the Apes movies this week. Those movies are so awesome they make you root for the end of mankind.
  19. I don't think they'll do this. I'm guessing the reason they've gone to 3 is it makes it harder for someone to have a runaway victory where everybody knows who is going to win. If we only had two finalists now, the only suspense would be who is going to be the winner sitting next to Noura. Now it will be Noura and two worthy (ish) people, so there's more suspense. Everyone wants to drag a lay up to the final. Dragging two of them there is a lot harder.
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