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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. That was because he dove headfirst off that thing like Vinnie Chase in Entourage's Aquaman and probably gave himself a concussion. It looked cool, but in hindsight it was a terrible decision.
  2. He definitely seemed like the type of guy who deserved a better RIP thread title than this. To quote Spinal Tap, it's such a fine line between stupid and clever.
  3. I find it a bit insulting and I still want it to be the game thread title.
  4. Don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but our defense is actually our strength right now. That probably says as much about our non-existent offense right now as it does about the D. Sadly, I don’t think this game goes well for us unless Chiba and Sanders both play. Oh, and play great.
  5. This Monty Python doc is the tits.
  6. I just watched Somewhere In Time. Somehow, even with Jane Seymour, it’s still very gay that I watched this. NTTATWWT
  7. Don’t call me stupid. Because every time he says it I laugh my ass off.
  8. But Peloton chick is soooo fucking hot that I'll watch it every time it comes on.
  9. He hasn't posted in the thread in over a week. Fill us in on what we need to talk about.
  10. It’s awfully early to be posting a spoiler that big, even with the spoiler tag. I’d delete that.
  11. Two guys shared the award this year and both are on the first team.
  12. In football, you are correct. The other 364 days of the year are what make Bedlam great.
  13. Double post. And that guy still seems like a dick.
  14. 2010- Winner wins the south division 2011- winner wins the conference 2013- OSU wins conference with a win 2015- winner wins the conference 2016- winner wins the conference Stop gaslighting the board with your lies. 3 times Bedlam has been winner takes the conference. 2013 BU backed into the title when we lost Bedlam. 2010 was for the division. That’s 5 times in 10 years. My point holds and you seem like a dick.
  15. We’ve played Ou for the conference title at least 3 times since 2010. 2010,2011, 2013. I might have forgotten another year.
  16. Yes because we are now a “threat” in football. Not much of one, but the games matter more. Before we just played spoiler most years. Now we’re playing for conference titles and bigger bowl games. You guys can’t just show up and know you’re going to win. Well, you know you’re going to win, but most years you have to work for it. Hell I rooted for OU football (hated them in everything else) until around 2002. I barely followed OSU football because it was so irrelevant after 1988. Once we got serious about football, I would imagine a lot of that 2nd favorite team stuff went by the wayside. Ou fans do not like us encroaching on their turf. Even unsuccessfully.
  17. Surgery on his hand. I think if he’d been able to go it would have been a more entertaining game. Same end result, but at least a bit more watchable. That was one boring fucking game. Unusual for Bedlam.
  18. UT is your biggest rival one Saturday a year in one sport. Granted it’s the only one you guys care a lot about, but you sure care a lot more about Bedlam than UT the other 10+ sports 364 days a year. Don’t worry. We both know it’s true, but I don’t expect you to admit it. It contradicts the narrative you guys like to put out there.
  19. Wtf? We have neither of those things. And a backup QB playing without one of the best WRs in the country. No, this game went exactly like it should have. Actually should t have been that close.
  20. Yeah we’re not very good at football and ou is one of the most successful programs of all time. So it kind of works that way. Ask Virginia.
  21. It is, but don’t let this game fool you. Our offense is not good and really hasn’t been most of the season. We’re closer to the bottom of the conference than the top.
  22. That’s what you ou fans want everyone to believe, but we both know it’s not true.
  23. If aggy could win with class on the rare occasion they beat an LSU or Bama, maybe those teams wouldn’t relish embarrassing them so much.
  24. OSU going in dry on Ole Miss. 35 point lead.
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