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Go Pokes

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Everything posted by Go Pokes

  1. When the hell did that happen? I’d say I need to pay closer attention, but I won’t.
  2. Not even her husband. Good one. Fake legacy advantage is gone. Dean played it last night. I approve Lauren’s idol play. She knew everybody voted for K. Once she played her idol, there was no telling where the two random votes were going.
  3. A 4 game win streak can wipe away a lot of shit. Play calling, especially in the red zone, is still waaaaaay too conservative. Other than that, I think most of the rest of my opinions on MG we’re probably wrong.
  4. I don’t think that’s correct. She did warn Dan, but I don’t think she was involved in the shitty part.
  5. Wtf? So that means you’re a huge Little House on the Prairie fan? Or that shitty angel show? Bonanza was the one good thing he did.
  6. I never really appreciated Michael Landon all that much. So I guess I'll see myself out
  7. Avatar's facial expression checks out.
  8. I found it funny when Missy got voted out and asked Tommy why. Tommy: You came after me Missy: I wasn't coming after you! Tommy's missed opportunity: You just wrote my fucking name down after telling me we were all voting for Kirishma.
  9. They will. I thought I was reading an article the other day describing the upcoming purges and it turns out I was reading a spoiler. I believe they are going to purge about 5 more and get down to two teams of 4. Rogan obviously is going to be the only Brit left on the Brits.
  10. You're confusing Leroy with Marlon Williams.
  11. Nice misdirection. You really through us off the scent by going from urbane, well-educated doctor to brain damaged Walmart greeter who can’t put together a coherent sentence.
  12. The ou kind. He’s actually considered almost normal in Oklahoma
  13. If one of you guys murdered someone right now, I think you get off with probation. I wouldn’t convict you.
  14. Then that makes sense. It's amazing how many mysteries in life can be explained away once you realize you're dealing with a complete idiot.
  15. Did you forget Kayleigh is on their team?
  16. Are you implying that Klatt and Kannell don't believe what they are saying and they're just spewing anit-Sec rhetoric because it will drum up ratings?
  17. I don't care if he's sitting behind the mic in diapers picking his nose. He's a soldier in the anti-Sec war and we need all those we can get. Even booger picking, diaper wearing, former Seminoles.
  18. I listen to a couple of podcasts recapping the episode each week and the hosts, who you wouldn't describe as Cara haters, are now sounding exactly like us. They've even using the same words we use here. Well, not cunt, but a lot of the others. Public opinion is definitely not on her side anymore. Lurking is right though in that she shouldn't have gone to the engagement party. Mainly because she's incapable of behaving like an adult for even 10 minutes. She's painted herself into her little corner of hatred and she's perfectly happy there.
  19. Relax. We just find your love of the most disgusting person on reality TV odd. It's America, so you are free to love whoever you want.
  20. Lurking, despite his claim last week, appears to still be a Cara apologist.
  21. I'd rather she tear both ACLs, get an infection during her recovery, lose both legs, and never be on this show again.
  22. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it would have been better if they had somehow been integrated into the tribes as non playing coaches. They don't play in challenges, they don't vote, they don't even go to tribal, and they never enter the game and have a chance to win. Just professional strategists and shit stirrers. Of course, anything would have worked better than what they landed on. What would have worked best is to not do it at all.
  23. Joel Klatt and Danny Kannell are two guys who refuse to ingest the SEC bullshit. Love them both and wish there were more of them.
  24. I'd love to see the outrage on this thread if the Rangers had been caught using technology to cheat. Especially from whatever name that pyscho Hoops is posting under now. (I'm assuming he used the site change to change his name and disassociate himself from his psychotic history).
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