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  1. I split a cords worth of live oak, red oak, and cedar elm from that storm as well (Austin) and it's all burning just fine in the outdoor fire pit this year. Haven't used them inside but I think they'd be just fine there too.
  2. Anybody seen an city/contractor truck picking up branches yet? Don't think I've seen a single one in NW Hills area.
  3. What the hell is going on
  4. Would you mind DM'ing me or posting the contact info of the buyer?
  5. Are you in Austin? Saw one just like it at HEB in NW Hills today. Beautiful, congrats. Parked nearby in my lowly 2013 LC that I am also never selling.
  6. Not "Boss" enough to get away with no hideous front license plate bolted through your carbon fiber front end.. shame!! Penalties must be pretty stiff
  7. Just stopping by for the grill discussion.. So much fun to drive this slow car fast.
  8. New one is the Zilker Eagle.. any day now they say.
  9. Doing something stupid for a really long time doesn't make it any less stupid.
  10. Yes. It's in great condition overall actually. Also have a near mint type 19 Kyu-Gunto officer ceremonial sword. Grandfather brought them back from occupation duty. I appreciate all the replies and the serious reply. After some research today I learned the symbols are actually Kanji and there are 10,000+ variations of them. And therefore I also learned that Surly was not really the best place to ask about this. But I have found an excellent forum of Japanese sword nerds who shall guide me through this journey.
  11. Hello Surly, I have a Japanese Shin Gunto Type 98 Army Officer Sword from WW2. Each blade is engraved with the name of the person that made it. Can anyone identify this name for me please? There is a list of known sword makers somewhere and the value can vary based upon who made it. I'm pretty sure it's not Turd Ferguson but I've been wrong before. Thanks.
  12. I am hoping it's not too late to apply preemergent in Austin (St. Augustine). Assuming it is not, any recommendations on a good product for spring application that doesn't cost a fortune? Apologies as I'm sure there are recommendations in the 2018 thread, but I thought maybe there is something new out now..
  13. In. Whole family of 5 has it, brought home by the youngest from day care. Feels like a standard sinus infection to me. Kids are fine. Wife has cold symptoms and fatigue but nothing too bad. we are both 3x vaxed and two older kids (5 and 8 y.o.) are double vaxed. The reports of the 2-3 day exposure-symptoms window seemed very accurate in our case. Which is kind of nice compared to that purported 10-14 day bullshit at the beginning. Easier to trace the source, in my non-medical opinion. Thought I might get out of this thing never catching Covid, damn!
  14. We bought a 2021 Model Y which came in in late October. Opted for the black paint, black wheels, white interior, 7 seater. It's our first Tesla/EV and the wife is absolutely obsessed with it. Kids love it too. My only real complaint is that you need to use the damn screen to open the glovebox. Glad we ordered when we did because 6 months later the starting price is already $5k more.
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