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  1. TEXAS!!!!!!!!
  2. Malice by John Gwynne A great series and Gwynne did a ton of research on how midieval weapons were used in combat and tried to write the battle scenes as close to real as possible.
  3. From my office desk sitting in my underwear Texas!
  4. 2 national championships? Are they counting every single sport or something? They must be counting Meat Judging.
  5. "I am here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I am all out of bubble gum"
  6. Those aren't Sports Bras; those are Manziers!
  7. 1976 Eagles in Brisbane Australia. Don't remember who opened for them but they came out for 3 encores and told the crowd after the third one that was all the songs they knew. They were my first and one of the best bands I've ever seen.
  8. Txlc

    Uniform Pron

    When you have a distinct traditional look like Pitt, you should always stick to it. When they are on T.V., I don't have to look to see who is playing because I can recognize their colors and uniform. I'm glad they have gone back to it.
  9. Txlc


    Went to visit my nephew up in Seattle last month (he is currently one of the chef's working for the Seahawks. We were standing in line at the supermarket and he was telling a story about how one of his co-workers had made Gumbo and wanted him to try it (my nephew was born and raised in Baton Rouge). He took a bite and spit it out saying that's Not Gumbo! The chef replied "Is the kale throwing it off?" My nephew responded with "Kale does Not go in Gumbo". As he finishes this tale the check out clerk jumps into the conversation with "Kale can go in Gumbo; as a matter of fact all you are doing is emptying out your fridge. You just have to have a good tomato base to start." we stood there in amazed silence. As we walked away my nephew turned to me and said " I hope you appreciate the fact that I did not hit that S.O.B. for saying that!" I replied, you really need to make Gumbo and bring him a bowl so he will know how ignorant he really is.
  10. There are a ton of new Breweries across Texas and most of what they put out is just ok. They need to focus on the local towns and build their brand. Barrow Brewing out of Salado and Thirsty Planet are doing this and gaining a following.
  11. In for $25. This is my favorite contest.
  12. Whataburger is my go to burger place since I first moved to Texas back in the 70's. That being said, the Whataburger in Nacogdoches has the best tasting burgers in the Whataburger universe. I am not sure why they taste better than any other Whataburger but they do. Loved them back in college and had the opportunity to eat there years later when passing through town on a trip. Just as great as I remembered. Of, course you might die of old age waiting for it to be cooked as it is also the Slowest Whataburger in the state but damn, it tastes great. Anyone else have a favorite Whataburger?
  13. The best part of that win was he got a $10,000 bonus for the win and took it to the local campus bar where he bought everyone a drink to celebrate. Mike Leach is awesome.
  14. Txlc

    Week 3 reactions

    That was entertaining. "lil Jordan Humphrey is the best name in the game"
  15. Txlc

    Game Atmosphere

    My Dad was a TexasEX from 53'. Back in hey day of 69-70 he was teaching me Texas Fight and it was MEES. I never knew there was any other saying until my first game at DKR in the mid 90's and I thought why would they change it?
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