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  1. Have you seen the revolving door of recycled qbs and coaches in the nfl?
  2. He gives mustaches a bad look
  3. Eugene11

    Hudson Card

    So if you skip ALL the other teams plays, Plus all commercials and such what are you watching? Just the announcers talking?
  4. Ou. aggy and pig every year is the way. I give two shits about anyone else in the secsecsec and they can all rot in their incest ridden south. I really detest being in the SEc sec sec but if it gives us aggy and pig with ou I’m ok with it I suppose.
  5. Any insight on a womens shirt. That’s not a t shirt? Wife want something new to go with a white skirt for OU. no pics
  6. It needs to stay in Hoover. Just like big 12 should have stayed at brick town.
  7. That’s not possible.
  8. Tree? That’s a big fat no
  9. They didn’t want to be there …. Cause SRC SRC
  10. Pretty far out of touch my man…and therein lies the problem.
  11. Or.... good resources on building your own iOS app?
  12. Anyone have a good resource for learning some basics about swift? I can google but it’s all new to me so I wouldn’t know which google would be the best source.
  13. Utah tech - Texas tech tomato - tomato
  14. God damn. Is this the football board or are we All ready in mid year form. fuck what a bunch of pussies
  15. I feel that this team is light years ahead of any other team in the past few years at this point in the season. We all bitch about pierce starting slow and getting stronger. So far there hasn’t been a lot of drama. This weekend will be telling for sure.
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