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  1. Ohhhh. I almost got derka’d Then I didn’t. I learned from reading yALL.
  2. Thank good we aren’t Florida state fans. That seems like a miserable baseball school.
  3. I believe if you have Hulu/Disney/espn+ package that does not include live secn/secn+ games. At least mine didn’t. per espn gal I was texting the only way to get secn is to subscribe to a tv service. espn is about as stupid as sec. I really hate both about equally
  4. I’m just taking a leap based off nothing you said in your post… I guess I’m not the only one hoping for mass casualties and deaths. 🙄
  5. Thank you. This was my point. I didn’t spell it out clearly for the jump to conclusions people. See above a reasonable explanation See above a reasonable explanation. my post was two fold I suppose. Should have clarified that I guess. 1). fuck aggy and the sec. 2) why cancel so early? I mean I looked at the free radar shit and saw there might be a chance. And fuck the sec. Yes games aren’t more important then human lives. That’s silly to make that leap from my post. JesUS
  6. Is state playing some gamesmanship B.S. with this? Seems odd what they are doing. Seems like the sec is filled with a bunch of pussies. God I hate the sec. Fuck aggy for screwing the conference realignment up.
  7. I’ve been watching these scores posted. Some/most of these are ridiculous numbers. Is it just the competition or is this going to continue into conference play?
  8. you post a lot of pilot stuff don’t you? Do you get to their games? We make it to a couple a year probably. Nice little ball field.
  9. Have you seen the revolving door of recycled qbs and coaches in the nfl?
  10. He gives mustaches a bad look
  11. Eugene11

    Hudson Card

    So if you skip ALL the other teams plays, Plus all commercials and such what are you watching? Just the announcers talking?
  12. Ou. aggy and pig every year is the way. I give two shits about anyone else in the secsecsec and they can all rot in their incest ridden south. I really detest being in the SEc sec sec but if it gives us aggy and pig with ou I’m ok with it I suppose.
  13. Any insight on a womens shirt. That’s not a t shirt? Wife want something new to go with a white skirt for OU. no pics
  14. It needs to stay in Hoover. Just like big 12 should have stayed at brick town.
  15. That’s not possible.
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