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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. Just build a wall.
  2. And education. but good ol red merica thinks money is better spent on walls and guns then teachers and books. to far? 🙈 I’ll see my way out. No cr
  3. Exactly. If your conscious says hate gays and weirdos and libtards. (Basically anyone different then you ) The church is good with it and you should shave a religious exception.
  4. And what I said still pertains to your 1000 year old church court which history has shown time and time again does what it wants to benefit itself. Nothing more. AND it only applies to those coo coo enough to follow it. Antiquated religion is antiquated. To tie it to football this coach is soon going to find out his 1000 year old court religious cult isn’t going to do a damn thing for him because it shouldn’t. That shit don’t fly in the real world.
  5. Pretty much all religions in a nut shell. At least how most practice anyway.
  6. I have pretty good confidence in the school knowing more about this issue and the legality of it then ANY antivaxxer religious dumb fuck but then again im no lawyer.
  7. Yeah. Fuck protecting other people. Fuck that shit. I like being a selfish prick
  8. I can hear the “let’s go Brandon” or whatever the fuck it is those morons say, just watching those videos.
  9. Yeah i mean really . this shit doesn't effect ME so why should it matter to anyone? wtf is wrong with society 🙄
  10. yeah. I saw nothing in the 2nd half that said we could kill a quarter and a half running the ball. We needed to run the Same game plan as first half. We didn’t. That was not all gas.
  11. I mean ….duh. Who doesn’t do that?
  12. Is this the normal meeting spot for Portland? I will fortunately be in Dallas for the game but live in Portland and could make some other games possibly
  13. To be fair @Armybrat is still puzzled by the invention of the wheel…
  14. She must be smoking fucking hot.
  15. Didn’t say it would be easy to do for all. The fact is it’s possible. And in most cases requires no additional subscription or money output. my parents aren’t tech savvy either. I regularly field their calls on phone, internet tv car issues. Almost every single time I can fix their issues over the phone from 2500 miles away. Changing world. Adapt. Overcome. They didn’t grow old by not changing to their surroundings.
  16. This is a very narrow view of things. Kind of seems like just trying to find something to bitch about instead of adapting to your very much changing environment.
  17. This is tired. and I'm not even in California
  18. Pacific time here. 9 am kick has been wonderful the last couple years. Just means my day isn’t interrupted and I’m drunk and don’t getting anything done. Instead I’m out doing yard work or what not by 10 or 10:30. I also look forward to that changin at some point in the future.
  19. It’s been 10 minutes and I’m still chuckling at this.
  20. This game was infinitely cleaner then game 1 but both lines need some massive improvements. We will get owned a couple more times this year.
  21. Damn that was delicious. Again. I used jimmyjazz recipe from the first page. I didn’t get enough guajillo peppers so used 7-8 chipotle peppers in place of the 4 called for. I think my ratio of chipotles overpowered or the dish a little as well Definitely needs more heat. The cumin I thought was just a tad bit much. I’ll knock 1/2T off next time. how can I up the heat with out adding store bought hot sauce garbage? Will floating a couple peppers in it help with heat that much?
  22. I just started my first batch of homemade chili. Using the @jimmyjazz recipe on the first page. pretty much doing the recipe printed but a few different peppers numbers. Haven’t read past the first 4 or so pages of this thread but look forward to reading it. And trying this Chili. The house smells amazing. Low 50°s tonight so perfect time for some bad ass chili. (Hopefully)
  23. So much truth in this one little sentence.
  24. lol. Who the fuck is this home run hire you speak of?
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