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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. Not worried about big brother. They can watch what I’m looking at all they want. Nothing to hide here Google WiFi attached to my century link router or whatever it’s called? That’s all I’d need for good WiFi and no dropping shit?
  2. tldr. I need upgrades and don’t know what to get. Need recommendations. I hear the modem they give you from internet service is usually crap and need separate modem and router. Which ones to get. I want good to almost top of the line. Not really caring about price. Need the shit to work. I know nothing about this stuff or maybe very little. I’m using the crappy router or modem or whatever you call it from the internet company. century link cs3000z I also have the eero WiFi extenders hardwired from the cs3000z apple tv runs off the 5g WiFi from cs3000z. Everything else eero WiFi internet slowes way down periodically have to reset Apple TV have to reset the modem resets Need to happen probably once every two weeks or so. I don’t feel like the WiFi range is far enough give me some top of the line recommendations
  3. I love plays. We go to New York often just to see plays. Haven’t caught this one. Please elaborate. thanks
  4. LHN Baseball games also? Never tried streaming off reddit. Hell I don’t even know how to use reddit. Lol
  5. I thought I was in the nfl fans go goons thread for a second. Geez. I’m loosing interest in nfl
  6. https://vm.tiktok.com/uwUJ55/ undefeated
  7. Ou isn’t very good either. Did you watch that Texas ou game? We out shityed them. It was two ugly teams.
  8. this blows. this site is awesome but there is no one streamer that has everything i want. except playstation vue i might have to go back to directv
  9. Fun fact. Last year MINOR league baseball had 50 million attendees at games. NFL had 17 million.
  10. sorry let me rephrase that. Not looking to start the cheapest beer in fair park thread this year for the surley 99%. I don’t care to walk all over and save a dollar or two on fair beer. Just loooking for the general price of a beer for us surley 1% 🙈
  11. On a side but similar note i do this shit every year and can never remember. How much generally are corn dogs and beers in tickets? Seems like I remember 12 for a fletcher dog and 10 for shiner at their tent? Am I in the ball park? Seems like after 25+ years of doing this I’d remember this crap.
  12. I posted several questions and concerns back in this thread about switching from directv to streaming. I have since pulled the plug. I have Apple TV 4K and use PlayStation Vue for “normal tv” stuff. I get lhn, golf network, nfl network, any college game I want to watch and the couple stations miss Eugene likes to watch. PlayStation vue is ok as far as streaming quality. As noted above the on demand and dvr have a few bugs and the TV guide is a little annoying but over all it works just fine. I love the multi station viewing also for football games. We also have Netflix, Hulu and hbo now. And of course ESPN plus. All in I’m about half price of what we were paying with all the directv bells and whistles. Not missing directv at all
  13. Just started and caught up on the deuce this last month. Great show. It was tuff watching that seedy shit in the first couple episodes but they do a great job telling everyone’s stories.
  14. Can you expand on which documentaries you liked please?
  15. Texas isn’t good enough to take anyone lightly...yet. We are getting there though
  16. I completely agree with this. I utterly despise that conservative run the clock shit. Especially with our caliber of qb and receivers.
  17. Until last week i had never heard this term before. I must say im proud to be a DINK.... as weird as that sounds. And we will always be DINKs. fuck the kid thing. That sounds painful
  18. I beg to differ. There are plenty of people that haven’t grown up yet having kids.
  19. Doesn’t matter what the actual temperature is outside... the cotton bowl against OU is always hotter then hell. Always. At least my 33 years running it is.
  20. I need one of those tumblers! Who is going to send me one. I’ll trade Best Buy coupons. Or even real money. seriously. I need one. Some one. I’m in Oregon. Can’t just run down and grab one from here
  22. LOL my first thought was "damn look at that shit hole around it." I wouldnt pay $300k for that house there.
  23. Its called a baby sitter when parents dont want to parent. Its NOT the parents fault that screen time is too high....duh!
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