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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. Just started and caught up on the deuce this last month. Great show. It was tuff watching that seedy shit in the first couple episodes but they do a great job telling everyone’s stories.
  2. Can you expand on which documentaries you liked please?
  3. Texas isn’t good enough to take anyone lightly...yet. We are getting there though
  4. I completely agree with this. I utterly despise that conservative run the clock shit. Especially with our caliber of qb and receivers.
  5. Until last week i had never heard this term before. I must say im proud to be a DINK.... as weird as that sounds. And we will always be DINKs. fuck the kid thing. That sounds painful
  6. I beg to differ. There are plenty of people that haven’t grown up yet having kids.
  7. Doesn’t matter what the actual temperature is outside... the cotton bowl against OU is always hotter then hell. Always. At least my 33 years running it is.
  8. I need one of those tumblers! Who is going to send me one. I’ll trade Best Buy coupons. Or even real money. seriously. I need one. Some one. I’m in Oregon. Can’t just run down and grab one from here
  10. LOL my first thought was "damn look at that shit hole around it." I wouldnt pay $300k for that house there.
  11. Its called a baby sitter when parents dont want to parent. Its NOT the parents fault that screen time is too high....duh!
  12. I didn’t know that. Is this a known truth? I think a very strong argument can be made that the movie was even better NOT seeing the heist and having to piece together what happened.
  13. Man. I’m not a huge fan of the salt remnants all over the place in side but it sure is fun. I have the first one. Think the last and greatest uses less salt. Laser sight sounds good also. Does that work well? Hitting up amazon now.
  14. No shit . Me neither. Is it really even a dog though?
  15. I haven’t read this thread but just finished season 1. Great show. The scenes between NoHo and Fuches when they thought Barry was dead was top notch. I’m going to miss fuches and the top Chechen boss. Good stuff!
  16. I haven’t read this thread but just finished season 1. Great show. The scenes between NoHo and Fuches when they thought Barry was dead was top notch. I’m going to miss fuches and the top Chechen boss. Good stuff!
  17. Once again, this gets said every page about him. Yeah but it was funny this time.....
  18. In. If you like karate kid and cobra Kia you’ll like this. Fuck yeah I’m in. Prolly Netflix though. Not theatre.
  19. Normally don’t laugh at shit jokes but the way he looked back at the cow was awesome. I can just hear him now “aww wtf bessy”
  20. Cats like this are bad ass. They can also be assholes. Well all cats are assholes and I generally can’t stand the fuckers. They have no place being domesticated. But still cats that can beat a 120 lbs dog into submission or stare down and taunt coyotes are bad ass.
  21. Mine looked fine. Lg oled 4k. Wasn’t turned up to 100%. all other scenes looked perfect. I had another tv. Vizo. All night scenes looked dark and pixelated. and could hardly see. I bet it’s the tv. Shaggy 1% maybe? 🤔
  22. Me three. Didn’t have a problem with the “dark” scenes.
  23. Off topic here but are they still a thing? I moved to Portland 5 years ago and have since forgot about them. Don’t miss those retards either. Hum. Listen to the horn on internet always though.
  24. So I can’t spell. Sorry you’re majesty intertrons popo see what I did there. Still stands. Facebook the social media app is regards. Anything else oh mighty smart one? Geez
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