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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. That was a great game. Perfect day. Timbers fans are pretty fun. This game reminds me of the OU games. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yep. I always come here looking for these updates
  3. Im not in austin so no specific places needed just the type of place. I found my old wedding band this weekend while finally finishing up the unpacking of the new house. ITs bound to be worth something isnt it? Gold and platinum. WHere can i sell it for something worth my time. I assume pawn shops would bend you over. Regular jewelry stores buy old gold?
  4. you dont understand women yet sir...
  5. Jesus. Their bats are batty. Are they doing this against good pitching or just run of the mill?
  6. Wow
  7. Funny story. I thought I was a mountain biker when I lived in Austin. Then I moved to Oregon and I learned what mountain biking is. Lol. I was a Hill biker when I was in Austin. Not to take away from anyone or anybody mountain biking I just realized the difference. Most trails here start out several miles going up the mountain. But damn it beautiful up here. Here are a few pictures from our first fat tire snow ride we did in Bend Or a couple weeks ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Like I said. Our first attempt at gardening. We are in Portland Oregon. Planted is some carrots, lots of leafy shit. Kale and lettuce and cauliflower and broccoli. Asparagus( does it really take three years before that can produce?) onion, beets and some herbs. Carrots said to mend soil with lime? Is that something y’all have done? We haven’t tested soil here but there were tons of volunteers that came up last year in the form of tomatoes and squash. Tomatoes are in the green house seeded. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Fantastic. I believe!
  10. Wait a minute.... this is a real thing? People have sent in 200m American dollars to save a store that is failing? Jesus. What has social media done to this country.
  11. I’m pretty fond of richer-poorer.com. Columbia makes one that is Omni wick advanced evaporation that is probably my favorite. Briefcase I’d avoid. Not a huge fan of.
  12. We live in Portland or. Should be fine. Our summmer doesn’t start until mid July and ends about end of aug. 😀. On on the other hand blackberry is a weed up here. It literally all over the place and mostly where you don’t want it. It is nuts how fast it grows and takes over shit. Can’t kill the fucker either with roundup or the like.
  13. Fence finished except stain. New dirt to mix in. Mulch go no on walking paths this weeekdn. It’s a big freak n garden but we are starting small since we haven’t done this before. Cilantro, hot pepper, tomatoes (forget the kind), carrots, beets( couple different flavors) , kale, broccoli, onion, probably a couple others things I forgot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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