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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. I guess not so much as getting caught but a fun crazy story. College years sometime. Kind of hazy that whole college thing. We load up in two pick ups and head to big bend. Two friends and their girlfriends and me and one other dude. fiest we find big bend state park. Uhh. Not what we were lookin for. The. Find the national park. Perfect. Commence buffoonery go down to the boat ramp and see school busses dropping off kids on the US side and parents rowing them across to the other side. We heard about the boats but these aren’t the ones we were looking for. A little ways up the river we found the right ones. They row us across for I think $5 each and we get in a truck and they take us to town. Load up on beer and alcohol. That night wild pigs come rummaging through the camp site. We of course are still up drinking so I chase them off. I’m literally running through the night after them. Run smack into a mesquite bush. That was the worst of that night. I’m lucky I didn’t run smack into a tusk. later me and the other single dude are in the back of the pick up. The couples are up front. We are “off roading” which is terrible in the bed of the truck. We stop. Load up a back pack with beer and a carton of cigarettes and hike across the desert to our camp site. We knew the direction to go but we were several miles if not 10 miles from the site. As the crow flies we figured quicker. The truck continues on the beaten path. Hours later and a much lighter back pack we still aren’t near the “ridge” that we can see and know or camp is on the other side of. Lol. And there is a massive crevasse that there is no way we are going down and then back up. So around it we have to go. We hike for hours. And hours. It’s starting to get dark. We are out of beer and for what may be the first time in my life I wish I had brought water instead of beer. Still smoking though. Lol. We finally make it back to the main road because we can’t go through that canyon. Walking along the road and here comes our friends in the truck looking for us so we thought. Nope. They are just getting back to the main road themselves after getting stuck and blowing a tire and trying to get unstuck and change said flat. Needless to say we had a better time walking. That was actually quit fun.
  2. No. If anyone is bent because of that then they are probably the same ones who wear jerseys to nfl games are get their videos posted in the nfl goons thread. But also fuck the Yankees. Go Braves
  3. I’m not an old but I’m also no spring chicken. this talk about switching between apps on streaming is silly. Maybe the casual fan perusing channels isn’t going to but if there’s a game I want to watch on Amazon is isn’t some crazy ass ordeal to switch from yttv. It’s literally 2 extra button presses then changing channels which you have to back out to the menu anyway on yttv. Casual fans fine, college football fans? Nah. It is only a mental problem until you get past button presses on the lazy ass remote.
  4. what the fuck is up with food and the midwest? they sound regarded. chili soup? kraut on pizza? damn
  5. That not a bad idea. I hadn’t thought of that. Just. Little added insurance in case heater fails or gets unplugged by ne’er do wells
  6. keep it in the boat all the time. Just plug in about October when it’s usually last time out. Of course I’m a bit farther north then y’all and it stays on a hydra hoist at the marina but it’s so much easier then pulling plugs and such. Mounts in the bilge
  7. Y’all really need to stop quoting that Loop idiot. I’m not as miserable as him and I don’t come here for misery.
  8. as long as you don't hit her. because it is never ever ok to hit a women. i mean like never ever ever. just walk away. you can reasonably just walk away from a women. but if you are in the same situation with a dude its ok to hit him. because you cant just walk away from that kind of situation......
  9. I fail to see a problem with this. Looks like a fun post season I would watch. Haven’t watched many bowl games in the last 5 years or so.
  10. It somewhat relates to this thread.
  11. Huh people go to the recruiting page? who'd a thunk it
  12. Haven’t read through this thread so please excuse me if it’s been discussed. Franklin pit. Anyone seen one, used one or heard anything about them? They look gorgeous and the made in the USA is a bonus for me and part of the reason for the extravagant price tag. What say the surly?
  13. What ever happened to this? Yep! I’m should be going as well. Went to Stanford last time and had a blast if you can call it that. Looking forward to a little pay back against Fullerton for you know. And history and all.
  14. You should have seen the way I had media spelled before I edited that.
  15. I mean isn’t their entire shtick just to say something so outlandish that it garners thousands of social media views and there fore validating what they say and who they are? honest question here. Do they ever really say anything worthwhile discussions wise? I don’t listen to that garbage.
  16. yes. Serious. Yes I can comprehend, Just not sure what everyone is talking about is reality. no. Not at collegiate level and not against or around anyone with millions of dollars on the line. I also tend to give to much intelligence credit to people and have to constantly remind myself that most people out there are far dumber then I am. That goes for lazy talented players or internet worries the same. 😎
  17. This is a real question. Not try to talk shit here. do y’all really think he isn’t putting forth the effort? I mean. He is a receiver that has a very strong chance of making stupid money in the nfl. Not just a good chance of making a team but a strong chance of making stupid money. You think he isn’t making an effort out there trying to catch those balls? He’s doing all that running around out there and practice for days on end and then just lops around and says. “Nah. That ball is not in my numbers I’m not raising my hands to make an effort. “ think of he just caught one of those deep balls a game that he isn’t making an effort for. Where would he rank in the making it to the nfl eyes? I think the not trying thing is silly.
  18. God damn that new fuck is a beating. Will y’all crowd source this idiot.
  19. To be fair Gideon and Hager would probably be heisman trophy winners on those teams.
  20. A complete 4 quarters and a secondary
  21. I almost always have the Thursday night game on in the background as I’m doing stuff. I keep forgetting it’s on Amazon. Last week I “watched” a replay on nfl network for an hour and half before I realized.
  22. Let’s not pretend the tide fans are any better. I was at the championship game in Pasadena. I saw you people.
  23. What a little bitch
  24. yeah dudes are gross. my wife gets her stuff waxed. she talked me into nose and back of neck ( i keep a clean neck line as much as possible). Have since graduated to "manzillian". damn its nice and no razor burn, no regrowing hair itch, stubble comes in smooth and not sharp like a beard does. She loves it and 'clean up' is a breeze. all for about $100 a month or so
  25. Why the hell does a head coach need to be a studio production meeting anyway?
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