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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. Don’t care beat Texas. Got jimbo
  2. That profile looks good but every other angle leaves a lot to be desired.
  3. 45 billion. 4.5 billion. Ehh. Close enough. Once you have a billion. What’s a few more?
  4. Who plays short stop?
  5. Metled fuel tank. Fuel tank leaking. Worse then I’d imagined. tl:dr part Little back story…. About 2 years ago I was wheeling down firebreak 5 (it’s a great moderate difficulty trail here in Oregon) and bent my tail pipe into a 90° and chocked the engine off. Sawed the tailpipe off just near the axle so I could finish the day and drive it home. No worries in the world. Until I filled up gas and got on an incline and fuel started pouring out of the tank! the tail pipe was pointed right at the top corner of the tank and melted it. A little scary but any who. Got some fuel tank patch to patch it up quick(didn’t have to remove tank. Just reached my hand up there and cleaned it up a little and bit the goop all around) and started looking into a new tank. Also went ahead and fixed the entire exhaust system by tucking it up tight to the body. fast forward 18 months(last April) . Kind of forgot about the tank because with patch seemed to be holding. No leaks. No smells. out wheeling the rubicon for 4 days with some buddies. Guess what starts leaking out of my tank when on an incline? Yep. Fuel. Buddy had some liquid metal JB weld stuff so we patched it together again and finished the trail. It was holding nicely yet again. ordered a new tank as soon as I got home but procrastinated until this weekend putting it in. Holy shit man. I had no idea it was so bad. Entire top of tank warped. Fuel pump ring melted. There’s a hole under where the strap goes. My second patch was more of a redirect I guess then anything. Just crazy.
  6. Beautiful family photo….. kids look ok also.
  7. I haven’t had high performance Michelins on any vehicle but I have had 4 door family car(touring?) Truck and snow Michelins. All 3 have been the best tires I’ve had in those vehicles as far as quietness, compliance and longevity.
  8. Couple pictures taken on the willamette river one evening a year or so ago. These are unedited.
  9. I’ve generally disliked your comments but this one is spot on! He’s an idiot and doesn’t need to be n the team any longer. It will (should) make home a better man for it. and Joe Rogan is complete moron. I definitely don’t get medical advise, or any advise for that matter from him. Lol. Joe fucking moron Rogan
  10. @TrashMaster G?
  11. Damn. That’s some stout pitching in those numbers. Witt with a respectable 1.64 and he sucks in that lineup. Lol.
  12. Then they should be right at home in Lubbock
  13. Yes. That’s how I get it in Oregon.
  14. As it should be
  15. Don’t they always?
  16. At life
  17. I just want to say our weekend rotation looks nasty. It’s a beautiful thing we are debating a potential 4th starter.
  18. Right. No one else cares to read your shit on this board. Remember killer you started it by lashing out at a simple comment from a poster that some may have not known or forgotten. drop it dude. Jesus.
  19. its been a long 48 hours. im ready to get it on in CC
  20. I believe he said last year it was delayed due to Covid shit so I would assume they have everything by now. But maybe not.
  21. Mostly looks like there should be some good games today with that schedule.
  22. Huston….. god damn that was fun to watch. He turned me from a casual longhorn college baseball fan to a believer.
  23. I always forget what a nice stadium they have. I assume it’s nice. Never been. Looks nice though. Just kind of shocking for corpus.
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