Two weeks go driving thru Austin on my way to NB and I hit the preset button for KOKE and I'm hearing some decent messican music, but it isn't what I was looking for. KVET is almost unlistenable. I pulled into the Whip In to pick up a 6 pack because I used to live in those shady ass apartments just up the street behind the old insurance place (I have a murder story about those apartments I should share sometime). After getting back in my truck I checked it out online and find out the format had changed as far as the frequency goes but KOKE still exists playing decent country music on the online app. Since I'm driving a nearly 30 year old pickup, I don't have modern amenities like Bluetooth and shit. So I had to listen on earphones all the way to my destination at Lake McQueeney with those damn things in my ears. Why can't Austin keep nice things?
Old man yelling at clouds here! FUCK!
At least I still have KNBT while I'm down here