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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Tastes like chicken, flakes like fish....at least that's how the Cubans and Ricans fixed 'em
  2. 1000 calorie gut bomb right there. I have a friend who was the plant manager for that company in North Dallas. The plant is located near Forrest and Plano Rd. He took me on a tour once. You don't wanna know how the sausage is made
  3. Obviously did not have the SURLY flying banner budget behind him. You get what you pay for...
  4. One of my best friends and a fellow PJ went into HSI for almost 20 years after getting out. I went a different more sedentary route (sort of) after getting out. Some of the shit he told me he has had to see and do would break a lot of people. Thankfully he's retired now. He is a huge advocate and volunteer with the VA helping veterans in all sorts of situations from homelessness to PTSD treatment. He's a fucking saint for the work he has done helping vets start to get their lives back together. BUT along the way he also seen A LOT OF DEATHS among the ranks of those he has committed himself to help and helped families deal with those losses. Me personally, I will post some of the tragic deaths I will never erase from my mind in another post. But my friend has seen a lot more than I believe I could have dealt with. You just never know.
  5. Pics of friend....if female
  6. Wil be 35 years this July. We've always slept in the same bed with a few exceptions for things such as sicknesses or the couple of times she put me in the guest room after a hard night of partying. But those partying nights are long gone and the last time sickness affected it was covid in 2022.
  7. I see that the playoffs will be on Peacock and Golf Channel. I haven't shelled out for either of those. Any word if it will be on the regular NBC network channels for shitheads like me
  8. That's Nati Natasha to you, mister!
  9. https://www.monkeyshouse.org/ @troph
  10. There is a FB page for a dog hospice called Monkeys House. I've shed many tears over their posts but also been uplifted at the hope and help they provide to older dogs.
  11. Fuck. I didn't need to see this thread this morning.
  12. I went 25 months.... No mas!
  13. God I hate every T-Mobile commercial
  14. That's was easily the best radio on the ticket in the last year. I was fucking dying listening to that!
  15. I'd have hit that even thick....I bet that pussy just gushes
  16. Tres cosas hay en la vida. Salud, ahorro y amor ...
  17. I got to watch that Friday night whooping ass on Los Angeles
  18. I'd throw Don Bergeron in this pile too. I watched him play at North Mesquite since my son was also in high school at the same time. When I heard he has signed with Texas I was pumped to see what he would do on the field for the Horns which he did for for a while. Ended up in playing in Commerce after getting kicked off the team.
  19. I walked into a restroom with 2 urinals. A guy is already at one so am at the other one next to him. His kid about 5 or 6 years old is standing directly behind me completely oblivious to his proximity and in the line of fire to my butt trumpet. I rip ass just as I'm finishing up. I snap my head around towards the kid as I pretend to be startled by the sound. Dad immediately lays into the kid en eapañol. I am in danger of busting out laughing so I just hightail it out of there as fast as I can as I'm zipping up. I almost felt bad for junior....almost AITA?
  20. So he is Surly Royalty?.....
  21. Find you a big fat corn fed Midwestern woman to keep you warm at night. Just make sure she's been properly dipped and wormed.
  22. I'm with anyone who mentioned Terry Kath..
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