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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Woah! Let's not get carried away here! He's probably killed more than Jack the Ripper, but not CJ
  2. She forgot about the pink part on the inside
  3. https://twitter.com/crazyclipsonly/status/1706649821921304951?t=9luNExpNcrGaPcy8lscccw&s=19
  4. I'd take one for the team and volunteer to verify
  5. It's over. CSU just stepped on their own dicks. They're so fucking stipid
  6. They play defense like 2010-2022 Texas
  7. So, your wife isn't the only one in your house disappointed with penis?
  8. Not one of the young hotties posted on here but still a very attractive woman in the DFW scene. Very much in the comfort food range. I'd do more than just cuddle with her.
  9. Which one of you was this? https://www.facebook.com/reel/998815634602858?mibextid=9drbnH
  10. Can dogs be included in this thread? Actually, I think it's pretty damn funny https://www.facebook.com/100063573969184/posts/pfbid0Pm2KXVDBcdtqYWwgYYBgWUWuZm55T6zfMz4wWtwYGmX8wN3C58wJVVc2tUj2CmNwl/?mibextid=CDWPTG
  11. So.... you're saying those sheep will blessed and highly favored....
  12. If you watch that play from the other angle showing Hayden from the front it also looks like he subtly drew him offsides by just the slightest flinch of quickly opening then closing his right fist. Genius
  13. So much less hate, anger, depression and other feelings you will have that was based on the outcome of a football game.... Until he runs into someone in burnt orange and shows his ass in a public setting whooping it up and throwing horns down....
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