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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Give them a viking funeral on a small paper boat!
  2. Knock knock Who's there? Dave. Dave's not here, man
  3. You're gonna get gas of one kind of another either way....
  4. Probably aren't a whole lot of options in the south to find a courthouse where it hadn't happened
  5. They actually did stop talking about it a few minutes in and moved on. I enjoyed it but like others have said, it's missing the drops and Blake or some other yuck monkey. I just kept expecting to hear it and after a while I kind of got used to it but it could be better. It's a work in progress. LOL
  6. https://www.facebook.com/reel/799003485138682?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  7. Outstanding!! https://www.golfchannel.com/news/brian-harman-celebrates-open-win-most-american-meal-ever
  8. This could have been a Monty Python skit back in the day...
  9. Please forgive me oh master all-knowing fuckface. Now get back on your meds and stop overreacting
  10. I'm not aggy and I'm pretty sure he isn't either...
  11. Damn sorry I got wrong in the year, I was mistaken. Thanks for the Derka like response you overreacting little bitch.
  12. Meh, that same shot by Tiger was done by DL3 earlier that same day. Everyone always seems to forget that. And on Sunday that pin placement is always there to add some drama to the hole.
  13. She's gotta keep in shape for that 3 day marathon fuck he's going to lay on her after this. Of course a day and a half or it is going to spent waggling his dick before crushing it in her She's gotta keep in shape for that 3 day marathon fuck he's going to lay on her after this. Of course a day and a half or it is going to spent waggling his dick before crushing it in her
  14. This is actually a pretty cool shot. If I were in his place I'd make it screen pic too. Nice humblebrag
  15. https://www.facebook.com/reel/260844333251425?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  16. I walked into a dive bar in Grand Prairie back in 2007, sat down and realized I was sitting next to Johnny Rodriguez. We closed the bar down and at the end of the night I paid the tab. That little fucker put away considerably more beer than I did, and I could throw them down back then No goats were stolen that night as far as I know.
  17. I'm sure we'll get a list of his top ten baby bottles...
  18. The NL unis look like pajamas and the AL look too much like that Astros Space City crap 🤮🤮🤮
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