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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. This is the Patrick Cantlay of videos
  2. That sounds like what period sex would look like 🤢
  3. How about THOTS and prayers? Would that work?
  4. That didn't "drain the swamp" either 🙄
  5. You win a blind date with Rob Halford where you'll be logged flogged and long-donged....
  6. No free rides. Gas or ass
  7. Uh oh. Has aggy dechambeau'd himself? https://www.sportingnews.com/us/golf/news/sam-bennett-masters-second-round-ridgewood/zxbeijaro4gyimzdmlccisfj
  8. Keeping it real in New Braunfels
  9. https://twitter.com/mugshawtys/status/1644702644039204864?t=hNk-e89dpQNL5IJWHwsKKA&s=19
  10. I'm a fan of Texas/red dirt country but his segments are just dumb. It almost always becomes just another excuse to bore us with playing a recording of his band singing that crappy song he "wrote" with Pat Green
  11. Holy shit that's brutal. Is there more out there anywhere about this?
  12. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoxnVZjJNK9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. So now even the cameras claim they all look the same.... When will it end? Next they'll be arresting someone wearing a sombrero....
  14. I KNOW you meant to say INFLATED with HUSH PUPPIES. Amirite?
  15. Soooooo.... It's a medieval dragon fest fantasy world movie sharing a name with a game for dorks? I hope there's secks!
  16. If you know, you know...
  17. What name does he post under here?
  18. I used to work for Hormel and I've been to that big plant in Austin, Minnesota. The slaughter side of the operation is something you'll never get out of your memory. And yes I know EXACTLY how spam is made.
  19. Should be an ad for Gillette razors and Mint Dental to fix that hangar door gap
  20. Just follow the furry trail down her stomach..... You'll find it
  21. Just imagine what that bush must look like! 🥸🤮
  22. March is almost over and still no ... https://www.myinstants.com/en/instant/very-wet-fart-16448/?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share
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