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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. ¡¡¡¡TEJAS!!!!
  2. I went so hard all week I turned it into a large portable generator
  3. Pain killers? Isn't he still hobbling around on one of those little push scooters because of his knee?
  4. It was a leprechaun!
  5. Yes.. but this isn't the reason people hate you....
  6. That's because they are marketing it to Kyler Murray
  7. Thunderbirds and Raptor will show.. https://www.atxaviationexpo.com/
  8. Wanna count some rivets?
  9. My lord... Amanda and her snuggly friends
  10. Tell us you're a Mariposa without telling us you're a Mariposa....
  11. I'd love to watch an entire broadcast en español done by that guy. He's fucking awesome!
  12. That Tide secondary blows...
  13. This thread is surely infused and surly approved
  14. Nm. Didn't see the whole thread on the 97.1. Dummy How about the 500 posts about it on THIS thread? LOL
  15. Sooooo... Monday is the big day?
  16. Holgorsons going to stroke out.... And it will be glorious!
  17. Bastards! This may not be IPIHB but we still have rules. We are not savages! Not bad for mid 50s
  18. Didn't the meltdown give us Jesus Shit Dicks?
  19. I've got 2 words for that dinosaur.... Fuck that purple fucker...
  20. He looks like the "I like turtles" kid
  21. Goes here and also qualifies for the punchable faces thread...
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