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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Peyton Yeager, another Fox Fox in Dallas....and a Longhorn at that And if already posted, who cares Peyton Yeager, another Fox Fox in Dallas....and a Longhorn at that And if already posted, who cares
  2. Where's Waldo guy made the bull kick with the poke.... Then just looked at the laid out hombre like "de donde aparecistes?"
  3. They stopped scheduling Tuesday night games
  4. I have one coworker (and the only other person who does the same type of work I do, so we have to talk to each other all the time) whom I suspect of being ADHD to an almost crippling extent. Litrerally half of our conversations and conversations he has with others go like this....
  5. Ensures his cell phone worked fine in the morning....
  6. As beautiful as she is, she would have been just another brick in the wall at the Tension driving range this afternoon. I have no idea what was going on there today, but my goodness what a collection of talent.
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