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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. I have no ps skills nor software. How soon could we see Mac on top of that b&w photo of the Aggy football players stacked stop each other's butts?
  2. It didn't take 3 hours to get the smell out of that place for fucking sure
  3. Roy Clark was definitely HOLY SHIT in this! https://www.facebook.com/share/v/EYrkNk3j69YhBtLU/?mibextid=Ls6BEq
  4. He better be getting ATM from his hot wife after this win
  5. Can they please shut the absolute fuck up about Raiola now, please?
  6. Hey @Rex Kramerand @Jive Turkey just get it over with and fuck.... Let's back to Ticket talk
  7. This. I love using a bolt action rifle. It's like the satisfaction of driving a car with a manual transmission.
  8. How's that thing getting stuck. There has to have been plenty of grease available. Yeah I'm Messican so save the fuck yous
  9. If I were him I'd take a rub down from the hot mom in the Dr Pepper commercial too
  10. Still playing down to the level of inferior opponents after all these years
  11. So I'm supposed to feel sorry for some fucking kid and have empathy for his parents because he is telling them he has a science project due the very next day and he's just telling them about it? Welcome to a problem as old as time itself shitheads. Walk your ass to the wifi hotspot or get dropped off so I can go home and fix supper for your procrastinating ass.
  12. Done went pooper too if I heard the first few seconds of the audio correctly ( ! )
  13. Like a couple of zoo monkeys slinging poop at each other. First one to lick their finger loses!
  14. Perfect Surliness! RIP to one of the greatest
  15. Good lord Maria Taylor is fucking hot 🔥
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