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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Good God if I ever hear someone use the.term waking taco I would slap it right out of their hand
  2. This is how he makes ends meet with these gas prices...
  3. But, but isn't this supposed to be college baseball's best outside of Omaha? LO fucking L
  4. Patty Loveless could just sing the phone book to me and I'd be happy...
  5. Somebody hit the bottle hard tonight...
  6. Because she knows she's going to end up on the BRAZZERS website
  7. When did it snow that much in San Antonio?
  8. You didn't run into Mike Leach by chance?
  9. I hear ya! Hating on vodka and drinking rum and whiskey
  10. I posted her on another thread a long time ago. So damn gorgeous. Those eyes....
  11. So sorry for your loss Doc. RIP to your friend Craig. Sounds like a really good dude gone way too soon.
  12. Vapid is the word that comes to mind after listening to Jenna Ryan. I think my IQ plunged to aggy depths
  13. Assholes all around....and it's entertaining
  14. Damn I wish I was off tomorrow. I'd keep drinking but I guess I'm going to have to cut myself off. Gotta adult tomorrow. But I'm having one more
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