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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Awake and having "breakfast". At least it involves orange juice
  2. Can you imagine what that place would have been like if it was that built up back when Tiger made his ace?
  3. How many middle school students could you fight off with no weapons on either side? I'd tell them "I won't get all of you but I'll certainly fuck some of you up, do you want to choose who it's going to be?" Then I'd get my ass kicked by about 20 middle school students. LOL
  4. I pushed so hard to get a deuce out today that I almost experienced g-lock for the second time in my life and dropped my phone, got tunnel vision and had to remind myself I was sitting on the shitter when my wife called out "are you ok?" When she heard my phone hit the tile floor.
  5. And what the fuck is that annoying fucking song in the Medusa commercial? Bing bong, fing fong, king kong, ping pong, yada yada yada. Yeah I'm telling at clouds!
  6. Have you noticed how she says she had sushi the day before, yet says she doesn't like seafood when he suggests it?
  7. 42 looks a little too enthusiastic with the hip grab 40 has the Erik Dickerson "why the fuck am I at this fucking school" look and probably transferred soon thereafter
  8. Drinking my breakfast after a 6 hour nap..
  9. Laura Dern would still get my petrified wood
  10. That pussy must be made of gold.....because her brain is made of oatmeal
  11. When the 130 toll road east of Austin was built I heard they tested the toll gates with a professional driver blowing thru them going something like 220 MPH to test the cameras. Clear pics and plates read read with no problem. 80 yards and 55 MPH ain't shit to the tech that's out there
  12. Why is it that I want to plow my hog into Cate Blanchet no matter how creepy her role looks?
  13. Awesome thread moose! Tell us a little about your prick neighbour. I can't imagine why someone would be a jerk to a neighbour in such a place where it would be beneficial to have someone nearby who actually likes you.
  14. I see them posted on utility poles in the shitty town I work in. I'll drive around and randomly run a paper tag and more than half the time they come back as non existent. Brand new cars and shitty ass hoopties all the same
  15. I was thinking traffic cop when I first watched it
  16. I bet you occupy your free time playing Castle Wolfenstein in DOS
  17. When I initially saw the first frame the only word that came to mind was "MAWAGE"
  18. I had to get a little sleep. Problem is that I also took some NyQuil. Probably shouldn't have done that. I feel like I was a 3 day bender
  19. In! My cups... On my 3rd Lakewood Temptress
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