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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Still playing down to the level of inferior opponents after all these years
  2. So I'm supposed to feel sorry for some fucking kid and have empathy for his parents because he is telling them he has a science project due the very next day and he's just telling them about it? Welcome to a problem as old as time itself shitheads. Walk your ass to the wifi hotspot or get dropped off so I can go home and fix supper for your procrastinating ass.
  3. Holy shit Cats. Eat em up!
  4. Done went pooper too if I heard the first few seconds of the audio correctly ( ! )
  5. Like a couple of zoo monkeys slinging poop at each other. First one to lick their finger loses!
  6. Oy vey! It's not an airframe anymore
  7. Perfect Surliness! RIP to one of the greatest
  8. Jerrah is at no risk from himself....
  9. Good lord Maria Taylor is fucking hot 🔥
  10. Or biting said pillow?
  11. Hang the banner and put the trophy on the shelf!
  12. What was the delay in the 3rd quarter during the North Texas game? Did one of the windmills die and they lost lights in the stadium? !
  13. Oh yeah sure. Sark really owes you, some internet dumbfuck, anything like an explanation. Go back to playing with your mutant ninja turtles toys, son.
  14. Are you 14 years old? I'll bet you're 14. Yeah you're 14 and dumb.
  15. SF is the Venezuela of the US....
  16. And after the game those same ags tracked you down in the parking lot to give you a ride back to your car where not only had it been repaired, but it was washed and waxed too. But not until after a stop at the Dicksy Chicken to ply you with some beers and talk containing veiled homoerotic undertones.
  17. I'd give Dawn a Longhorning....
  18. That was fucking beautiful.
  19. He's like the dude in the Progressive ads wedging his motorcycle into every situation.
  20. A tazer changes a dogs attitude real quick without killing them. Let them ride the lightning, legs straightened out stiff and falling over sideways like an unbalanced taxidermy piece. Once the ride is over the fear causes them to GTFO. Dog risk is gone and it's still alive. That cop had plenty of time to use that option.
  21. That's also my thinking on masturbators. There only 2 kinds. Those who do it and those who lie about doing it.
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