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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Yeah he can hit it but his bro celebrations of his own shots are ultra douche
  2. Xander winning this would be great. Bryson? Fuck that douche
  3. I soooo fucking hate that word...especially when used by anyone older than 10
  4. This is the most Derka thing I've read since the permabannination
  5. https://twitter.com/FAFO_TV/status/1789436380403114164?t=7iZR3OGm35w-84EZ5mo91Q&s=19
  6. Xander's neck just stomped by Rory's foot
  7. That's less than a mile from inlaws' house. Dam is almost rebuilt. The people with lakeside properties were pissed because all of sudden they were literally high and dry.
  8. Probably because they no longer have to spend so much time deep throating Rhyner for giving them a job and Sirois for being the only personality barely worth a shit on that station.
  9. From that tweet now we know where these are coming from all over this state
  10. You can almost smell the patchouli on that kid 🤢
  11. All I could manage yesterday was a couple of Old Fashioneds and shrimp and grits at Gaidos in Galveston for lunch.
  12. You must be quite the partier! Not sure I could keep up. LOL
  13. Fucking ads with McClearin are a beating. He's such a douche. He needs to stop trying to convince people he can sing, whether he brags about singing karaoke or he sings in his ad reads. Fucking cringe
  14. This is one of those movies that if I happen across it while channel surfing is an automatic stop and watch no matter what point the movie is in.
  15. Because a shanty was more apropos back in the 80s
  16. As if that matters while watching those tittays
  17. Better not tell Derka about this!
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