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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. And make sure you shower with adults only from now on. I keed I keed!
  2. Seriously, I never see anyone there. There are at least 3 within a couple miles of my house. It's seems the specialization they market could be had at any Academy or Dicks Sporting goods. Is it quality vs quantity? Big discounts for teams and leagues? Someone educate me on this please.
  3. Sounds like a Quinlan, Tx success story....
  4. You must have missed the black racist in the cowboy hat jumping around in the crowd too
  5. Tinfoil is more scarce than was toilet paper in 2020....
  6. Strange fetish....are you going to wait til the body is cold?
  7. Had a bad episode health-wise last Thursday that kept me in the hospital over the weekend. No more drunk thread for me. Jumped straight over onto the wagon. Adios my drinking friends. May your health remain well and enjoy them for me.
  8. Maybe he just saved the world from a.serial killer
  9. Brokelahoma
  10. You will be there someday....if you make it that long
  11. Boo hoo! STFU Donny
  12. Moron..I didn't even notice I was quoting your post. You're so insignificant I dont even realize it's you. So why you don't you just shut the fuck up
  13. Hannah is fucking perfect. Even my wife likes looking at her
  14. Beat those fucking idiots within an inch of their lives
  15. The whole time the movie was on the other night I would look over at my wife and whisper "you're a cocksucker"....she had quite a buzz going and couldn't stop laughing.. she eventually whispered back "you're not wrong"
  16. Almost brings tears to your eyes https://youtu.be/qCdDpjZPREU?si=EbFCFkXrSpRCxZnZ
  17. The laugh as Costner is crouching down after delivering this line is what makes it gold. In all the times I've watched this I had never caught that
  18. This reminds me of a former coworker who threw HERSELF a 30th birthday party and charged all her guests $45 per person to attend. The week before the party she talked about how much money she spent on liquor and catering. On the Friday before the party she showed up with a new weave, makeup and nails that could have been used to eviscerate a grizzly bear. The next Monday she showed up at work angry about how many people cancelled showing up. Later that same week her car got repoed from the parking lot at work. I guess she needed the money.
  19. That pussy and huge rack must not have been so great after all....
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