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Certifiably Surly
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Anastasis last won the day on May 18 2021

Anastasis had the most liked content!


23887 Surly 1%

About Anastasis

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  1. the memo said that the adults were in charge.
  2. lol at "age restricted content" warnings. what a world.
  3. $MU money whipped him. He is going to more than double up.
  4. lol. Almost too many hair adjustments.
  5. Come on man. That shit got us to the moon. I mean. Velcro and Nazi rocket scientists.
  6. Not even like a little bit of sentimentalism?
  7. Probably more than velcro. But it is close.
  8. Speaking of propaganda strawmanning. I have no such contempt for the Ukrainian people. It's the people that are moving the pieces in this little great powers drama that has been playing out for the last 30 years that have absolute contempt for the Ukrainian people. They are happy to continuing using Ukraine as a pawn to their own devices.
  9. IIRC, she posted under the name "Mother Russia" back in the hornfans days. I don't know what kind of weird shit, nor the projection involved, entails. And don't really care to. I don't know, I guess I just remember things. I am amazed that some of you are able to goldfish brain your way through life to be honest.
  10. In my experience it takes a lot longer than expected to get there. I do oven method and then try to dial it in further on the stove top. But as stated I still struggle getting it as dark as I would like.
  11. May his memory be eternal. That's extremely understandable.
  12. Please make the contribution to mobile loaves and fishes in memoriam of YGIS on the message line.
  13. The vast majority of the related posts are responses to posters like you saying dumb shit like "The Steele dossier is the bible....Dead on balls accurate." and then laughing at you when I am proven correct.
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