LOL. I thought you were better than this.
You give me an amazon link after stating that he was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt for murder for hire. Like 5 seconds googling shows that to be nonsense. Appears that his sentencing was influenced by the charges you reference, which were not demonstrated "beyond a shadow of a doubt" in court, which is what some people got particularly worked up about. The disconnect between the sentencing and the actual charges. Without going down the rabbit hole on this one unless you are able to actually engage substantively, I will say my position would be that a full and unconditional pardon is too broad, and that a commutation of the current sentence to time served seems appropriate. If someone wants to take up the murder for hire charges and put him back in prison after actually proving those charges in a fair court trial, so be it.
Try to be less of reactionary clown moving forward sidis.