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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Anastasis

  1. I'm about to have to take the loss like a pussy. If this market is going to run based on just a piece of MRNA phase I results, they will be able to trickle out that sort of stuff for the next 3 months and keep goosing it.  The influx of cash into everything, GS printing money. Fuck it, reality based thinking put me on the wrong side of this train. 

    So...expect a major correction after I dial down the shorting.  

  2. 55 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I really, really hope that’s how it shakes out. But man I don’t want to take that chance. 

    If I reading it right, he’s saying McConnell pushes it through during lame duck so as not to have to face the electoral backlash at ballot box. 

    that would cause riots and ensure the court is packed next time Ds have control which would be 2022 (if his plan was successful is preserving r control of senate). 

  3. 9 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    Moderna is at the final stage of the vaccine. I dumped it last month and it is on fire

    They got a ways to go still, but man do they know how to trickle all their findings for maximal market effect. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    What phase is the phase where Bill Gates slips his mind control microchip into the formula?  That seems to be an essential element of all vaccines these days, or so I've read on the internets.

    The really complex part of this particular development program is going to be hard coding the mark of the beast into the vaccine adjuncts. I give them 1 in 4 on the chances. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    VXX is the dumbest trading instrument ever conceived. I can’t imagine playing options on that piece of shit. 

    Last time Trey mentioned VXX options, I took a flier on a small call position. That was Feb 20 or so.  You know the rest of that story. 

  6. 37 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    also, its too bad she didn't try to get herself up first or leave the kid and get to the boat to get her life jacket.  its kind of like an airplane, where you take oxygen first and then give it to your kid.  but I'm sure she just panicked, which of course tires you out more.

    Yeah.  I wouldn't get in the water by myself with a kid that age without a life jacket.  Shit I don't get out of the boat without at least a set of noodles. 

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