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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Appears to be still open. Good food. Very over priced imo. $20 for a horiatiki salad. Come the fuck on.
  2. I am ok with freedom and a side car of accountability.
  3. If the guns used were the father's, he should be held accountable to the same charges as the minor child. Start throwing these parents in jail.
  4. Appears to have checked off at least two of boxes. Was investigated by the FBI in 2023 and passed off to local law enforcement.
  5. Like I said, total clown.
  6. Tens of thousands of children, maybe more, with severe PTSD. Wait. You can't actually call it post-traumatic, cause the trauma is still ongoing. And our politicians literally the sign the bombs. Decency. We the people. And whatever other delusions help us sleep better at night.
  7. That's not how any of this international rules based order shit works.
  8. Like what? What action in the WB does it take? You said there are lots of things. Nobody forced you to say that. You and I know that it is just empty rhetoric that you will hide behind. It would be easy to prove me wrong. Just articulate exactly what it would take.
  9. Total clown.
  10. What could they do that would cause you to withdrawal your support?
  11. Aggy is so fn stupid.
  12. Review will give them the first.
  13. Stanford covers lol.
  14. Lamb shanks are among the cheapest cuts on the animal. They take more time and finesse. But the result is worth it. And I cook far more deer shanks vs. lamb shanks. But tell me more from your keyboard. BTW. No disrespect. I still use the sausage spreadsheet you shared a while back as the basis of most of my game sausage production. I understand that this board is basically a vehicle for lashing out.
  15. e Thanks for chiming in with some right out frontier gibberish.
  16. Crazy talk and unacceptable to the CR brain trust.
  17. Sorry. I am not particularly interested in making you like me. But if you go back to the post that originated this exchange, read the immediate responses and still think that it is my online persona that is problematic...well, goodbye and good luck.
  18. Yeah, I am laughing at that idea as well. Looks guys, everything is awesome. Bidenomics is winning. It's all very sustainable. .Just stay the course.
  19. Sure. Tell them that you read "Bidenomics was winning" on the internet and let us know how that turns out.
  20. Yeah, that wasn't my angle. But I understand for your broken brains everything has to be personal.
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