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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Social programs and human empathy don't fly in the US in general because a sizeable percentage of the population doesn't want anyone who doesn't look like them to benefit from anything. They would rather suffer themselves to ensure of that. You can't reach people with that mentality. It's been like that for a couple centuries and why the US has fallen behind other 1st world nations.
  2. This story is 100% true. Yesterday we were coming back from the Legends Event Center in Bryan. My daughter's volleyball club pulled her up from the 17u team to 18u so they could win a bid to go to nationals, which they did. We are passing by the Death Star and my daughter says she wants to drive through their campus. So we go by the Dixie Chicken, and then cut through their campus sports complex. She is making fun of it the whole time. Where are the trees. Pretty nice for a cult and all that. These are her own conclusions from what she knows of kids who went there and came home to visit. We come up on a wall where someone has painted an upside down longhorn with "saw em off" on it. She starts asking why they are so obsessed with UT. So we get home and she is telling the wife about it. I realize she knows nothing of Yell Leaders. So we sit down and I pull up a Youtube video of a midnight yell. She watches, mouth agape, periodically yelling out "what the hell!". We get to the part where one of the yell leaders does a few moves then those jazz hands they do while spinning and going to a knee. My daughter, junior in high school, gets up and repeats it while putting a little extra femininity on it.. My daughter- "Look at the little fairy boy", she says while recreating the dance in our family room Me- No. It's a huge deal to be a yell leader there. Dudes have been lining up to be one for 100 years My daughter- There is no way that dude is straight Wife- He is straight My daughter- They probably go back to the locker room and whack each other off. "My girlfriend doesn't do it like you", she says in her best boy voice Me- Bust out laughing Wife- trying not to laugh(doesn't wanna encourage that kind of talk), and not choke on her drink, "We don't talk like that!" Daughter- I'm just saying.... Happened last night. Teenage girls are brutal.
  3. Never did the thought occur to me that we would turn on the tv and see The President Of The United States of America hawking cars on the property at 1600 Pennsylvania. Oh and another thing, I wonder if Elon is figuring out what everyone else in the Trump orbit eventually does. Trump is the only one who is coated with polytetrafluoroethylene. Everyone else around him that engages in the same activities suffers bigly.
  4. Yeah. I used to call myself that until I realized that it made no difference what you label yourself as the government was still going to take the same money from you. The difference now is demanding your money, that you already gave them, go to helping the less privileged and not to lining the pockets of the already wealthy like Elon Musk. Once you figure that out then you've turnt them there corners.
  5. Blows my mind that people don't know that we shrank the numbers of allowed yearly immigrants from certain countries.
  6. I'm not here to neg rep you or even get into a fight with you at all. I just want you to know something. I know a lot of people. A lot. I have never once in my life met anyone who just "mainlined" liberal talking heads all day. I know that you assume that since you olds fire up ole Fox News before the sun comes up our side does the same, but that is not the case AT ALL. The other day I was pumping gas in the morning and some good ole boy rolled up. You know, big diesel truck with the transfer tank in the bed, guy. Anywho, while he was blasting one of the conservative talking heads you guys love so much I asked myself are there even liberal talking heads that are on the radio 24/7? I wouldn't know. Point is you guys need to quit saying what I bolded in your post. Liberals typically come to their conclusions based on logical mathematics and compassion for their fellow man. That is why it is the party for the educated, and not the party voting against their own interests and voting for a silver spoon billionaire "because he knows what we are going through". Good day sir.
  7. DOJ to charge Tesla vandalism as domestic terrorism. https://thehill.com/policy/transportation/5202981-bondi-labels-tesla-vandalism-domestic-terrorism/
  8. I am of the minority here on this I know. The Dems need to sit on their hands and let this motherfucker burn. Only way to get some real change is to show the world who they are and that ain't happening unless it burns.
  9. People already got paid Zeus. It's in their best interest to walk away from it the minute they are told they can and they will. But you guys that think manufacturing is coming back in droves make me giggle. Even if you could bring manufacturing back, you cannot simply flip a light switch and bring back manufacturing without heavy investment in infrastructure. Let me explain. I was born in Akron Ohio the tire cap of the world. That's where Goodrich, Goodyear, Firestone, General, and Mohawk came from. They started closing those factories shortly after I was born, and by the late 80's nothing was left. It had all been outsourced. Not only would you have to build back all those manufacturing plants that were torn down, you would also have to get workers to move to Akron, which has shrunk in size due to lack of opportunity. That means investment in housing and development of shopping centers too. Imagine doing that in West Virginia, Penn, Upstate NY, and anywhere all these old manufacturing centers used to be located that have since turned to ghost towns. Now imagine doing all that just to gain less profit than what you did when your manufacturing was overseas because you have to pay American workers so much money, so much for the land the company is on, and so much in taxes. Without subsidies no company is going to do that and the American people aren't going to pay those prices.
  10. Love the GenZ reference.
  11. You are a weird dude. Take a look at all the schools in the state Rex. Now look at the numbers. Which one has been growing the most and what is fueling it's growth? There was a time when UT was battling it out year over year with Ohio State for largest enrollment in the country. In my lifetime aggy has doubled it's enrollment to now 72k. I live in an area where the majority of kids go to college, and the amount of kids that end up at aggy is astounding. So much so that my daughter's volleyball team played their elite 8 playoff game in college station and like 30 girls came from campus to support the team. My daughter told us that she would never go to aggy because it would basically be a high school reunion. Even in the high school volleyball world. Houston Skyline is one of the best clubs in the country. The kids who play on its top team can largely choose wherever they want to go. In the 25 and 26 classes they grabbed two. Aggy wasn't able to do that in the past. If it were just about ease of access then Tech or U of H would be 72k. Getting your kid into aggy is a political statement nowadays. Sure, there are a lot of kids from conservative families who go to UT. However, aggy is a MAGA breeding factory. Your kids must be older if you don't know this.
  12. Aggy certainly gained ground the last decade. Especially since they've been the preferred school for Texas conservatives. The cream always rises to the top though.
  13. I feel that way about Nova Scotia and Halifax its cap. I always feel like they are in Europe somewhere. Now where I get really lost is trying to name all 32 states in Mexico.
  14. That is better than most. I can name the provinces and territories but struggle with the capitols. I got to 7 before I folded.
  15. There are 10 provinces and 3 territories.
  16. Who just graduated. Maga was pissed for the three months they knew about her.
  17. You guys remember Major a lot better than he was. Major wasn't making it through a season without a few stumbles of his own. Dude was limited as a QB. If what he did well wasn't working he had nothing else to offer.
  18. China joining the WTO had a lot to do with where Walmart is today and the industrial power of China.
  19. No argument about that particular game. My point was over the course of the season.
  20. I hate this thought process. We would've lost 3 other games if Major started. Just because he came in and was a change of pace vs Colorado doesn't make him not who he was as a QB. Limited.
  21. All around the country? Can we? Seems like Texas is leading the charge on "batshit bills" these days.
  22. I never thought The State of Texas would pass a bill to allow the replacement of school counselors with chaplains without an ounce of training but here we are. I feel like your "this bill has zero chance of passage" has been said here before. Probably by you.
  23. The bolded cannot be stated enough. Dumb MAGA that I talk to always talk about how tariffs will bring back manufacturing. No it won't. A lot has changed since the 1970's. First and foremost, the salaries of the men sitting around the big table at these corporations has multiplied by eleventybillion. Good luck convincing the CEO, COO, and CFO at these companies that six figures is still a respectable salary. Couple that with the fact that no American is working for 3 dollars an hour. That ship has sailed on most products, and like you said, those products will move locations as countries begin to raise their living wage standards.
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