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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. I agree that he was bad. However, what I posted above this is valid. No idea what Arch will do. We know Murphy, like Milroe, throws a great deep ball. Just is processing slow on the other stuff. Week two everyone was making fun of Bama with Milroe. Now he looks like a guy that could get you into the playoff. He just needed experience, and the game to slow down. I am not sure if that will happen for MM but I have no clue what Arch will do. There is a scenario where you put Arch in but it needs to be another KSU game. Bama almost got beat by USF playing around with their QBs just to find out why those guys were behind him.
  2. Sure don't, but we have no clue what's behind him. None. For all we know Arch could come out over and underthrowing deep balls like Ewers used to. Then TCU walks their safeties up and takes away our run game with no way to hurt them. Next thing you know we can't put long drives together due to negative plays and procedure penalties, and all the explosiveness is gone from the O. It's not a foregone conclusion that Arch will walk out there accurately pitching it all over the lot.
  3. Card played against UTSA, Tech, and WVU. Defensive rankings can say whatever you want them to say depending on time of year, who you played against, or anything really. For example, if you come out on offense and jump all over teams all year guess what? Your passing D is going to look awful on paper because everyone has to abandon the run and start throwing to catch up. Doesn't mean your pass defense is actually bad. Bottom line, Quinn played against the who's who last year and Card played against the also-rans. The only game we saw both of them in is Bama. We know how that looked.
  4. I bolded part of your post. I honestly don't know what to tell you if you don't understand how having a quick hook on your quarterback can hurt their development. You have two seconds from the snap to drop back, survey the field, and make not only a solid decision, but with good technique and accuracy. There is no room for waning confidence. You saw that this weekend. Murph was nails early on but a couple things went wrong and next thing you know he is holding the ball too long and throwing the ball late. You pull him at that point and he is questioning whether he has the ability to play at this level. Then what if Arch is awful and you have to go back to Murphy? You've lost him at that point. Right now Murphy is pressing, thinking he has to make every play. Why is he doing that? Because he knows who is behind him and feels like he has to play remarkable in order to stay ahead of him. How do you fix that issue? You show him that its ok to take whats there, and its ok to not make every play. You stick with him, coach him up, and get him to settle down. If you bench him you further validate what he is already thinking. Listen, Murphy is a couple tackled WRs away from having over 300 yrds and two more TDs. Possibly 3 if Cook doesn't let himself get muscled. You get the kid to simply understand to throw the ball away or take a sack when there is nothing there and he is a solid QB. We don't run for 200+ if he is not tearing Kstate a new asshole anytime they showed man coverage.
  5. But against who? My daughter's backup hitter in volleyball has almost as good a hitting percentage as she does. However, she only plays when we play cupcakes, so she gets to pad her stats against them. My daughter earned hers against playoff bound teams.
  6. I don't agree with this at all. First, Sark has shown to make solid personnel decisions. Whether you want to agree or not, sticking with Quinn last year lead to a confident Quinn this year. Maybe pulling Quinn leads to him transferring at worst or losing confidence in himself. None of us are at practice so we don't know whether or not Arch looks good. If you put Arch in there you have immediately lost Murphy, and if Arch struggles you can't then go back ro Murphy. So the decision isn't one to make lightly. You guys think pulling players in and out doesn't have affects.
  7. I wish a meteor would hit Norman and wipe it off the face of the earth, but even I can admit that was a horrible non-call.
  8. after a solid rewatch I would say I have to agree. Did he have a couple stupid throws? Absolutely. However, there were a lot of really good ones. Worthy got tackled on two TD throws. Cook got pulled down on one. We had a lot of penalties that killed drives. A blocked punt. A fumble. If we can somehow not turn it over its not that close. The refs call the obvious calls and its a blowout.
  9. Indeed. Also this 4th down call was money. Sanders for sure gets the first down and maybe a TD depending on that last man. If Red just doesn't drop it.
  10. What Murph was looking at on the deep interception. K-State has adjusted to the full Flyover, with all 3 safeties deep. The call was pretty solid as it looks like Sark dialed up a winning route combo vs that look. Whit went vertical with a 15 yard curl to occupy the field side safety. Cook releases inside for a 7 route to the pylon. The corner carries the route and pulls Cooks jersey and Cook falls. Murphy throws the ball where Cook should be. If Cook doesn't fall its just him against the corner as the route is breaking away from the safety in the center. Cook cannot fall down with that little contact. Maybe he was trying to draw a call. Not sure. After watching it again that wasn't a bad throw just unfortunate.
  11. Kstate came out all cocky and tried to bring numbers in the box and 1v1 the receivers on the outside. Once we got up on them they switched an started playing their safeties deep. Its easy to make solid throws when its one on one. However, he threw a couple "oh shit" balls into coverage after Kstate dropped their defense back and I am guessing he was taking a little longer look to be sure on those throws that were late. Some QBs follow the receiver with their eyes and have to learn to look at the open spot and see the receiver coming into it. Right now MM is the former, which is why he doesn't see defenders.
  12. I cannot speak to what happened in high school. I can say that if the NFL is looking at the guy who purposely tried to hurt him last year, and the DL that tackled him the exact same way they won't have a problem with it. It's not like they were light tackles. Those guys were both trying to hurt him and they did. The NFL protects their QBs a little better than that.
  13. Injury prone? Did you watch Bama last night? QB driven into the ground by he same player. I think the NFL understands what they are looking at.
  14. For a quarter and a half it was a mudhole. But then we filled it in and built K-State a nice playground for the kids.
  15. Look. This is Texas where teams gameplan every week for your game despite playing other opponents. Where the UH's of the world come in all fired up and throw all their emotions at you and then give zero effort in a shutout game a week or so later. You are getting everyone's best shot and all the pressure. It's not for everyone. Gilbert was overwhelmed here and it showed in his play. Pros felt the same way. Hold the clipboard. Same for the others.
  16. Maybe you need a rewatch of how long this mfer was patting the football behind his line while our D-line flailed about, desperately trying to get to him. You can't ask a secondary to cover that long. Start and the 16:15 mark. Count 1-thousands. We are even bringing extra guys and still can't get there. You can say its holding or whatever you want, but 4-5 seconds in the pocket is an eternity.
  17. Sack yardage is taken into account by every team's average. Also, you are not taking into account long runs. Take UCLA for example. McCaskill had a long of 9, Edwards had a long of 8. Wilkerson had a long of 8. Hankerson had a long of 9. That means those 4 backs, outside of popping one run each, averaged 1.5 yards per carry, and that's without the sack yardage added in. If you are watching their games you would see this. They will have a draw play on 3rd and long that gets close to a first or something like that. However, they can't run the football to get them ahead of the chains at all. Now take Texas. We popped two big runs of 54 and 27. Outside of that we are still averaging 4ypc. I get you guys love hating them. However, their line cannot pass block even a basic rush, and they can't consistently open hole for their backs.
  18. They are averaging 27.32 time of possession. Part of the offense's job is to possess the ball and protect the defense. They also cannot protect the quarterback. If you actually are watching the games Sanders has pressure on him by the time his back foot hits the ground. Lastly, they CANNOT run the football and aren't doing anything creative to get something going. 2.3 ypc isn't going to cut it. If I were Prime I would bring in someone from the Briles tree to get people away from the box.
  19. The last time someone made a thread like this about a guy like this said guy lost us a shot at the NC.
  20. This dude coming in here with his chest puffed out. That 316 yards rushing you had on USC? You can slice 200 off of it bruh. That dog won't hunt. We played yall last year when all our draftable players sat out the bowl game and you still barely beat us. Us at full strength? Nah bro. Truth is, you don't even know how good you are because you've played a Pac12 schedule and no one else. Your best win came against a team that barely beat a 4-5 team from our conference. Utah barely beat a 3-6 team from our conference. In fact, who from your conference has a quality win out of conference? If I were you I would just hide in the corner and see how things shake out.
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