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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Same! My wife would get anxiety everytime I tried to teach her. I finally just gave up. Her mom and dad said it was the same way when she was young. I moved on to my daughter.
  2. That's because they hang on his every word as if he is being totally transparent at the mic. "They showed us something they never showed on film". "The offense won't change with Maalik". He knows what to expect from these teams every week, and isn't going to give us his gameplan. Opponents watch press conferences too. He also most def changed the offense with Murph last weekend. BYU had an extra man in the box and yet we only threw it 25 times. Almost all the routes he gave Murph were deep, rpo, or out-breaking. They were safer throws to keep him away from trouble, but still punish the defense for numbers vs the run game.
  3. You are dead right about everything you just typed. Absolutely everything. However, I have seen us struggle so much vs anyone who is physical at that position that I just can't help but worry. Ole buddy anchors the middle better than the guy they had last year. Majors struggles against physical players man. We have to have to have to be able to force them to bring numbers or else its going to be a long day for Murph.
  4. While their DE's are super lite at around 244lbs each, my worry is that our C and G combo won't be able to move their 340lb NT and we won't be able to make them commit numbers to defend the run game. Then they are sitting back in coverage, which is not where I want MM to be, Hopefully we run off tackle a bunch and abandon IZ for this game. If we can get them to walk some people down we should be able to pitch it over top and get the rpo game going.
  5. Uh oh. Sweat has a chain on. Don't tell those dudes in the Deion Sanders thread.
  6. Literally all college football players talk shit.
  7. Top one was a catch, and I'm not even a Boys fan. Fuck Aaron Bitchass Rodgers.
  8. Nobody likes losing, but there are circumstances when you play where it is what it is. These guys have eyes. They see their trench play is D2 level. Its like when Texas goes and puts a foot up UTEPs ass I am sure their players are slamming lockers and kicking chairs.
  9. I doesn't make a shit because nothing is working. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It doesn't mater whether we try to run or throw. We need to sort out that o-line so they quit busting plays and getting qbs hurt. Anywhere within 5 yards of the GL and the penetration is ridiculous. Its embarrassing.
  10. How to catch a football. By Dez Bryant How to catch like Worthy. By Dez Bryant
  11. This is the correct answer. The defender has no chance if he high points it.
  12. Yeah, if I had to guess I would say its a daisy chain of errors on the boundary. Gbenda should have the flat so Watts can carry his man so the Safety can concentrate on the seam. I blame Gbenda because you should always just assume it is his fault.
  13. You are ALWAYS going to block that outside. Always. So Sanders knowing that has to be aware of that and start preparing his feet to make that move upfield. That's what athletes do. His momentum carried him outside because he allowed it to. Be aware of where you are on the field and help your QB. He is throwing it where you are. If you are somewhere else that's where the ball would be. Its like when a receiver, needing a first down, doesn't run his curl past the sticks.
  14. Upon a second view Whitt blocked the guy to the outside and Sanders ran outside right into the block. Had Sanders cut inside he gets in. Would've been tough. DB did his job. Whitt pretty much does his job. Sanders has to put a foot inn the ground there.
  15. The only excuse for coverage like that is if the call had a guy dropping into that throwing window. The question is which one was it. You had two relatively inexperienced players in Holmes at corner and Blackwell at OLB. Could be player error. Without knowing the call hard to say. One thing we do know is it happens far too frequently. We just gave it to them.
  16. This board always delivers during football season. Stay locked in my friend.
  17. If you replace Horry with Shaq then this all the sudden makes sense.
  18. Worthy dropped at least 3 balls that I can remember. I am all for giving Cook some of his reps. I know a lot of people here think you can't take him off the field but Cook is pretty explosive, and getting him some touches might be just as good. As far as Murph goes he was fine. We didn't help him with the pass blocking. A lot of times the IOL was in his lap. You want him to step into throws? Clean up his pocket. The thing with Murph right now is he is just throwing the ball and believing his guy is going to win. That is going to cost you here and there, I expect that kind of stuff from a young guy. He will get better with time. He has the tools though.
  19. We need a catch all thread where Steve can see our disapproval on either the play call, play design, or execution. I have been accused of being a sunshine pumper when it comes to one Steve Sarkisian and his playcalling. Well, I am here to tell you that my issue with him isn't the playcalling per se but the play design/execution, or the lack there of. We are 8 games in so we kind of know who can do what, who needs to be coached up on what, and what to stay away from. Now let me preface this by saying we have scored in the 30's in every game this year, so this isn't to say we are doing a bad job overall, just sometimes we have wtf moments. Take this clip where Murphy throws the interception. I know ultimately Murph has to learn to eat this ball but let's take a moment to look at all the dumb-fuckery on this play. There is a lot so hold on. I will put the still up then the gif so you can see how the play unfolded. This play is dead from the start. Pay attention to BYU's defensive tackles. They have a 3-tech DT between Banks and Conner in the B-gap, and a 1 tech DT in the A-gap between Campbell and Majors. The red lines indicate what gaps they are attacking. The blue lines represent what we are asking our O-line to do. We are going to ask our gimpy center to reach the 3 tech all the way in the B-gap, our RG Campbell to reach the LB firing in the A-gap, Our RT Jones to reach the 1-tech in the A-gap, our two TEs to double team the DE, and our LG Conner is going to pull all the way around to kick out the edge blitzer. Banks has his DE and Brooks is going to chip him to slow him down. You are asking a lot of un-athletic guys to cover a lot of ground and still handle a guy close to 300lbs, hell bent on getting to the QB. What could go wrong? The ball is on the 41. To reach guys in other gaps you have to give ground. So by the time MM has the ball the LOS has been relocated 3 to 4 yards backwards. Everyone except Campbell and the TE double-team is losing their battle. This puts MM into panic mode and he is looking to escape. Problem is the edge blitzer is right there and Conner, having to come all the way across the formation, is taking awhile to get to him. Now everyone at the same time say WTF is Worthy doing? Worthy comes off the line looking for someone to block. Except there is no one releasing behind him. MM is looking at Worthy like he is supposed to be running a route. Worthy never looks back until the pick happens. I think MM is trying to throw this away in the direction of Worthy but never sees the guy underneath. Bigger question is why are we asking our O-line to do this? There is a better way to handle this kind of blitz if this is simple play action, and what the hell was the play call and what went wrong? The same thing on the goal line when MM fumbled. I am not going to draw up everyone's responsibilities because its much like the play above. The important part is we are asking Conner to come all the way across the formation and kick out the DE. It looks like we are expecting the play-action to make the DE freeze, but they aren't abiding by the rules. This is the play we ran where Worthy comes across like motion or possible jet sweep but quickly pivots for a rail route. The play was wide open, but we failed to get to the DE and he ended up causing the fumble. It's to be noted that Brooks did a horrible job blocking. He basically got out of the way. I get this is supposed to look like run and that's why we are blocking it this way but at some point we have to figure out a better way to block it. When we get down around the goal line we need to throw out the slow developing plays. Rep the hell out of a smaller section of quick hitting plays until we get good a running them and use those. I am all for being physical. We just need to commit to it.
  20. There has to be something personality wise you don't like about Quinn, because you are off the rails about this one. Maybe the Southlake doucheyness? Everyone wants to see Murph successful, but he did nothing that Quinn hasn't done. He rifled a slant pass to AD that was impressive. The throw to AD deep was late. The throw that Sanders high-pointed and held onto through contact is the same throw he dropped and got picked off from QE during the OU game that would've been a TD. Tonite BYU loaded the box to stop the running game. QE gets those defensive looks and he throws for 350. We get the same defensive and special teams performance and we score 50. MM is going to be good down the road but he has a lot of work to do. Right now I just want the young fella to take care of the ball and make a couple "you better respect the passing game" throws when asked to. He can most definitely do that.
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