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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Or Arch throwing into triple coverage Or Arch not understanding that if you don't throw it immediately on an RPO you cannot then hold the ball and try and throw downfield
  2. He glossed over Arch air-mailing those easy 10 yard throws though.
  3. He's alright. Board wouldn't be fun if everyone thought the same.
  4. compare us to the rest of the 1st world countries. Travel some. We are way more conservative. Look at Trans rights here vs Europe.
  5. And that's the thing Frank. The Ds haven't moved further left socially, it's the right that has moved further right. The only thing that's been introduced socially is the Trans community. Everything else is the same. The right is just fear mongering with the biggest megaphone this country has ever seen. They have people believing that transwomen are everywhere and invading everything when in fact they are .5 of the population. For example, my daughter plays 14 tournaments a year. Each one in an arena with 100 or more courts, with 4 teams per court. We have been doing this since she was 12 and have never seen nor heard of one single trans vball player. Not one. But one plays for San Jose State so the sky is falling. But like I said before those nice people at the border are about to find out that this isn't really about immigration. It's about the ruling class' fear that they are soon to become the minority in this country and their attempts to prevent it. They are saying immigration only because they cannot say what they want to say. However, they are letting slip the true agenda. When Trump and Vance are saying even though the Haitians in Springfield are here legally, we still have to get them out. They are also talking about no protection for anchor babies, and rescinding laws that are protecting some migrants. People who got here the right way or at least got legal after getting here are going to get caught up in the sweep too. The "good folks in the Rio Grande Valley" are going to feel this both emotionally when their buddy Juan and his family are gone overnight, and financially when they can't find people willing to work for their usual rate.
  6. we go as the running game goes. If we can get some edge rushing success we win this one going away. If not look out!
  7. The good people in the Rio Grande Valley are about to find out that they don't have a seat at the table and I am here for it.
  8. You know we have data on how red districts perform elsewhere right? Look at the states to the right of us. Head on over the West Virginia. Plenty of red districts with worse crime per capita than Harris. You folks with your same, easily refutable talking points. "Crime would stop if Rs controlled the criminal justice system". Hahahaha. Rs are the reason for the crime in the first place since the one truth is poor people commit crimes. Your story is also made up.
  9. It was good for a few points in the black community amongst the self-loathing black people. I ran into a few of those weirdos. Yesterday my wife came home crying. She was talking to an older couple and they got on the subject of kids. Like a lot of parents do, she showed them a picture. The guy then told her that she was in sin because she married interracially, not knowing my wife is half Asian(she has blue eyes). Then he started talking about how Trump was going to get the country back for them and right the ship. Those "Take America Back" flags mean something. It's a dog-whistle that has worked for generations. Now the racists are back out and emboldened. This next 4 years is going to be an absolute shitshow and we deserve every bit of it. I have my popcorn ready.
  10. It happens Sack. The stars sometimes align. Even for mentally challenged people. You even had two hurricanes as the cherry on top. I am glad you are thumping your chest. Enjoy yourself buddy. Because the leopard's cage was just opened and it's hungry.
  11. You fancy yourself a smart guy right? The messaging affects more than just Rs. You should be able to put 2 and 2 together since you passed the bar the first time and all that.
  12. Lol. Y'all are missing wildy. R's successfully attached Harris to Biden's economy Trump circled around and talked to Netanyahu Trump circled around and talked to Putin Trump effectively tapped into white people's superiority complex by saying Harris was low IQ and not qualified(look at Sack's posts about the bar) R's effectively tapped into the white population's fear of being outnumbered by browns R's effectively fear mongered against the LGBTQ community Bottom line it was just too much to overcome. If any one of these issues wasn't there Harris wins. Problem was they all had to be overcome at the same time.
  13. List is bunk. Carson Beck, Mr 3 picks a game, at 6th is wild.
  14. It won't take that. This dude is about to hurt the structure of America in every way possible and stupid people who voted for him will all be feeling the pain. Women when they sign that national abortion ban. Business owners when they start deporting. The American people's wallets when they both start deporting AND when he slaps on sweeping tariffs. Hispanics when they get caught up in sweeps. The list goes on and on. We are truly about to hit rock bottom. Trump is a disruptor. Problem is he has no off switch. America is truly about to find out. Then we people will truly be ready for change.
  15. Yep. Absolutely no one standing in his way and absolutely nothing to hold back for. He is going to line his pockets as much as he can and do whatever he thinks will make the country better for the 10 people in his life. The latter just so happens to line up with Fascism and Christian Nationalism so we are gonna do that. Since he isn't interested in the day to day he will just appoint some Nazi to it. It's going to be awful, but hey, it's already been awful for me and mine for decades so what's one more?
  16. He usually likes to get it out of the way early. Romo was a late INT thrower. Those are the worst. Get your hopes up and then boom. I like my hopes dashed right away thank you.
  17. I think you are wrong here buddy. The shitdouchery that was his last term where nothing got done because there was always a "you can't do that" guy is in the rear view mirror. There will be no brakes, so anything ole buddy wants to do is getting done no matter how shittastic it is. There are going to be a whole lotta jaws hitting the floors and laughing from our side.
  18. Imagine having been to the beaches of California and thinking conservative women are better looking than Liberal women. Yeah Frank, women from Georgia, Miss, Alabama, Nebraska, and Iowa are better looking than liberal women. Dumbest shit I ever heard. Here is a map of the healthiest cities in the US Frank. You know, places where they eat salads. Now look at the bottom of that list Frank. Where are those cities and how do they typically vote? https://wallethub.com/edu/healthiest-cities/31072
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