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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Yeah. I'm pretty average but my wife is hot so who really cares what I look like.
  2. It's like you haven't been on social media n 2024 at all lol
  3. check the debt and deficit from Obama Out to January 2020.
  4. It has to happen in order for people to finally be rid of this dickhead. I am down for it. I will pay 100 per carton of eggs to be rid of fascism.
  5. I love people like this that are beating their chest to the people next to them while all walk up the ramp to the gallows. Newsflash dumbass! We are all going to suffer his presidency EQUALLY. You didn't win shit. You lost just as much as we did the difference being you are too stupid to know it.
  6. "Politics will swing back. They always do" You mean how we used to tax the top line at 70%. Or how we deregulated and it swung back? Or how the Prison industrial complex shrank back down? Shall I keep going?
  7. Trump isn't "selling" you anything. He really is a misogynist. He really is a racist. These are all things that have long been in his history. He is simply letting the freak flag fly and people can feel his authenticity. And this is where people go very wrong. The very large number of xenophobic racists in this country that love what he says. Then there are the people that just voted because "the economy was better under Trump". Blindly. Truth is we are going to have to hit rock bottom before people finally repudiate this movement. Then the pendulum will finally swing the other way. The question is how much will we have lost by then?
  8. How the election went at my house- My daughter was playing their first playoff game(volleyball). So my wife's well off parents came to town to watch her play. Her dad is a "the tv is always on Fox" kind of guy. My kid's team won their game in straight sets. On the drive home this dude is looking at maps on his phone. Glancing over I can see that it doesn't look good for the good guys. Now I am in a bad mood but I am trying just not to talk so I don't lash out at anyone. We get home and eat something and I find a reason to turn in. My wife, also trying to avoid political talk, comes with. I break the news to her that Harris is going to lose and she gets extremely upset. Not having anyone to take our frustrations out on we end up lashing out at each other. This morning I decide to leave before anyone is awake. Later on my wife calls me and told me that her and her mom got into it. My wife attacked her about voting for Trump(they live in Zona) and how now our Type 1 diabetic daughter's life may be in jeopardy. My daughter comes down, hears the news, and starts crying profusely, saying she doesn't want to go to school(kids at school know she is a liberal). My MIL is caught off guard by how upset my daughter got. My wife goes over some policies in Texas that they didn't know about. They were stunned. Too late. So now we are going to have a household meeting about our Texas exit strategy. My kid is headed to a blue state to play college volleyball and we are selling and leaving too. This might seem like hyperbole to some but if Jews had gotten out while they could...... We see the trend of people moving here because "screw the libs" from moderate to liberal states. Texas is going to get redder and redder so time to find our tribe and bunker up.
  9. Don't know if you noticed but SEC shorts have been going out of the way NOT to acknowledge the 800lb gorilla in the room.
  10. I don't even need to watch that. Just by their facial expressions I know what they are thinking........
  11. Man I kinda feel bad for him.... Just joshin yall Haha fuck the agroids.
  12. They aren't anything alike. At All. Quinn got fooled on the Georgia one, has 3 tipped balls for picks, but he only has 2 errant throws. The one against OU on the dig. The other one was the overthrow to Wisner in the flat. Beck is wildly inaccurate. He has almost doubled up the amount of picks Ewers has thrown, and that's despite having decent protection. We didn't get to him once and he gave us 3. Quinn is solidly accurate until you ask him to throw a deep ball then it all goes out the window. The main thing that @Derka needs to understand is this is all just for fun. Nobody here really dislikes anyone(at least I think so). Most of even genuinely LIKE the people we spend time arguing with. For example @BurntOrange&White call Quinn a pussy is hilarious to me. Especially since people get so butthurt about it. Just don't take it so seriously. People who have met me irl can tell you it's all just fun to me.
  13. It's what you do when YOU can't do it.
  14. Drinks are on me fellas. I've had a great night!
  15. Yeah lets swap them out so we can be 4-3 too.
  16. Who's here for the gangbang?
  17. I've maintained the same position on that play. Are you saying a receiver isn't supposed to alert his QB a blitz is coming?
  18. On a positive note, I guess we get our black jobs back
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