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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. State DBs might as well have no arms.
  2. It's Houston man. If you aren't going 95 in the right lane someone feels slighted.
  3. This is the guy that comes speeding around from behind when I'm driving my wife's car to curse us out and then sees me in the driver's seat and keeps it moving.
  4. Yep. Forced birth and banning any kind of contraception.
  5. These motherfuckers really are dumb
  6. It's pretty exploitative. Have a conversation with an actual porn star for a bit. Eye opening! When you hear how they started vs how they ended up. Same with modeling.
  7. Most def did miss that. I can't argue against women's fashion being better than men's as I have appreciated it for decades now.
  8. A good look at Ewers and what OU was trying to do to confuse him last week.
  9. Not inherently no. However, getting turned on by dressing up is crossdressing territory, not to be confused with trans which has nothing to do with that. Many people out there think trans folks are only doing what they do to satisfy some sexual desire. I like to make the distinction because it's a pretty widespread false opinion. Also y'all? Have I mistaken you for a dude this whole time?
  10. This comment is meant to explain crossdressing not trans people. Common misconception.
  11. Yep. My kid heads off to college soon and we are out of here. We aren't getting caught here for the handmaids tales. More Trumpy people are moving here in droves. They can have this motherfucker. I don't know how it is where you are but people are even pushing their kids to go to conservative colleges where I am.
  12. You don't want to be on the fryer in a McD's anywhere near Trumpy town. Chick-fil-a is closed so the fryer will be busy as all get out.
  13. Yes. Everything their doing and saying says they are getting their ass kicked except for the polls. The speed of which the votes are returning. The increase of women registrations. Literally everything.
  14. If you are reading the tea leaves, the Trump campaign is telling us all we need to know by how they are moving. They have softened their stance on women's issues and he has even done an all women town hall. He has skipped a lot of interviews but didn't skip Univision and the barbershop bit tells me they feel they need to bolster the Latino vote. He knows to leave us the fuck alone. That said his rhetoric amongst women and latinos is downright suicidal, almost impossible to clean up even for a seasoned pro. Trump, however, seems to make it worse the second someone hands him a microphone. His town hall with women was awful from the moment go with what he said about the woman who died. Then watching him try to address mass deportation in fron of the latinos was downright comical.
  15. There are two sides to that coin. Sometimes you have to fight for your kid. Here is an example. We live in a lily white suburb where last I counted(my kid was in 8th) there were only 11 ethnic kids altogether in my kid's grade. That's all ethnicities other than white combined. My kid started the year(high school) missing 5 of the first 10 days of school because of away vball tournaments. She got a 15 and a 16 on the first two quizzes on Algebra 2. There was 0 communication with us. No emails or anything. My wife saw the first grade on my daughter's school app and messaged the teacher. No response. The volleyball coach is working from her end. No response either. My wife contacts the AP. Next thing you know we get an email from the math teacher saying she failed the second quiz and is no longer eligible to compete in volleyball. Mind you, all her other grades are A's. So we call a meeting. In the meeting the first thing the lady said was Algebra 2 is above our kid's head and she recommends she drop out and take an easier course. I immediately got pissed. My kid has never gotten bad grades before, even in math. Instead of looking back and coming to the conclusion that there must be some fundamental thing she simply isn't grasping, she decided to give up on her a few weeks into the year. "Black kid not smart enough to grasp math". I get pissed and corner her on the fact that when she never notified us of anything. I also pointed out that as a soon to be D1 athlete, she needs that course, and she could lose her scholarship if her college saw that she failed a course or dropped it. So they agreed to let her retake both tests over 4 days. I could tell the lady didn't think it was possibly by her expression. We go home and start working with her. We found what she was struggling with and worked a few problems until she had a solid grasp on the mechanics. She got two 85s on the retakes(that's the highest grades allowed) and went on to do well from then on. TLDR- Sometimes teachers think your black kid is just stupid instead of giving the same effort they give with other kids. Many black parents find themselves having to go up to the school. Lol
  16. This is exactly what I was talking about a few pages back. Y'all are okay "over there".
  17. I think other races are used to this because we are in it on the daily. My people are 14%. Even less where I live. Even less less where I work. So going to a gathering where I am the only black person is just another Tuesday. Same with most non-whites.
  18. I know I am late to the party but let me take a stab at this. Those people at Trump's rallies are racist but it's very weird. They have been told brown people are the boogeyman for the better part of a century, and as such they are terrified of us as a blank-face, collective. They are perfectly fine with our existence as long as it's somewhere else. When we infiltrate their spaces that is where the fear comes out, especially when we are in more numbers than they are comfortable with. So Chi you can move to a nice neighborhood and be perfectly welcome. However, if 30 of you move to the same neighborhood they will sell and go somewhere else. Those folks don't want too many of us in their schools. They don't want your kids dating their daughter. They don't like it if you are doing better than them. They like us to be "in our place" in society, and "in our own spaces". Black people know this and having become experts at keeping white folks comfortable while navigating their spaces. How we talk, the clothes we wear, our hair styles, and even going as far as to completely mute any emotional response is all in an effort not to remind them that we are different and trigger that fear. Wanna find out if this is true? Take a Trumper to a gathering where they are the only white person and watch the sheer terror wash over them. What you are seeing is politicians who know how terrified their people are of the browns out numbering them and they are fanning those flames. My whole life this is the move. Dog-whistle the racist parts and the people will vote against their own interests every election.
  19. My next door neighbor below has every damn sign in her yard you can imagine. They are an older couple. Me and my wife were out there talking to her about putting our joined fence up after the hurricane season and she started in on the Democrats controlling the weather. My wife stayed and humored her for a bit. I made an excuse to get out of there stat. We bought our house from a liberal couple who we just happened to both have the same mutual friend. When they found out we were buying it they left a bottle of wine on the counter and a note saying the Beto sign is in the garage and you are surrounded by R's. Lol Don't judge the burned grass spot. That's where we had to stack the wood from Hurricane Beryl.
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