I know I am late to the party but let me take a stab at this. Those people at Trump's rallies are racist but it's very weird. They have been told brown people are the boogeyman for the better part of a century, and as such they are terrified of us as a blank-face, collective. They are perfectly fine with our existence as long as it's somewhere else. When we infiltrate their spaces that is where the fear comes out, especially when we are in more numbers than they are comfortable with. So Chi you can move to a nice neighborhood and be perfectly welcome. However, if 30 of you move to the same neighborhood they will sell and go somewhere else.
Those folks don't want too many of us in their schools. They don't want your kids dating their daughter. They don't like it if you are doing better than them. They like us to be "in our place" in society, and "in our own spaces". Black people know this and having become experts at keeping white folks comfortable while navigating their spaces. How we talk, the clothes we wear, our hair styles, and even going as far as to completely mute any emotional response is all in an effort not to remind them that we are different and trigger that fear. Wanna find out if this is true? Take a Trumper to a gathering where they are the only white person and watch the sheer terror wash over them. What you are seeing is politicians who know how terrified their people are of the browns out numbering them and they are fanning those flames. My whole life this is the move. Dog-whistle the racist parts and the people will vote against their own interests every election.