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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. This is exactly what I expected Zepol to look like AND be doing for pregame.
  2. I think that's because that is what he trusts currently. One thing we should know about Sark by now is he likes to be able to run a myriad of plays out of the same set so teams can't zero in on what he is trying to do simply by personnel packages. I think we will see us get back into our 12 personnel as the season goes on. I think Sark is trying to sort some things out.
  3. Sark pretty much shut it down and started running clock mid 3rd qtr. I wouldn't worry too much about Arch. He is gonna get some time this year. I don't think you are reading the room because it's a unique situation. Imagine you are a highly recruited QB and you are in a situation like Arch. You are largely being ignored in the locker room. Not getting playing time, and just another "dude" on campus. Your family could use the money, and you are looking to get to the league as quickly as possible. Now think about Arch's situation. Probably the most popular kid on the 40. Respected in the locker room. Has money, and doesn't need to get to the league right away. Everytime his parents turn on the TV they hear the announcers talking about him and raucous crowds everytime their kid comes in the game. I think they are fine with where he is.
  4. I am pretty sure he isn't great with blocking assignments. That's usually the case.
  5. I think the dude in the 3rd chair is a little skeptical but otherwise I think it's going pretty well.
  6. Is that for sure? Can't afford losing backs
  7. Or just respond the way JD Vance would..........."OK"
  8. And there is a lot of us over there. A lot!
  9. And none of them are answering those polling calls.....
  10. They would've needed two pages to get everything and it still wouldn't have made any more sense than what they typed.
  11. Yeah, we had to put the kid in daycare a year early just to be eligible for the preK. When I stopped paying that bill I felt like I got a raise.
  12. No argument there my friend just yelling in my echo chamber.
  13. Nah, it's more nefarious than that with the adult Trumpers my bro. Get on youtube and watch that guy asking Trumpers their opinions and then when he says Trump has the opposite opinion they switch on the spot to back Trump. These people will take that man's side no matter the issue and we here all know why. It's why no matter what he says or does he doesn't lose support. As Reagan learned, dog-whistle politics is strong stuff. People will gladly vote against their own interest if it means keeping this country Christian and White. However, they don't want YOU to know that's why they are backing him so they twist themselves in knots trying to make it make sense.
  14. It doesn't matter where the kid goes. If it's an elitist school he's going to get bullied anyway.
  15. She is 16. She likely has Trumpy parents and believe what they tell her.
  16. Yesterday I had a conversation with a 16 year old Latina(my daughter's age). She said she wanted to be an immigration attorney. We got on the topic of how the people coming over the border just want to work hard for a better life, and how she wanted to help because she sees the process is very difficult for immigrants. I was smiling while she was talking, and then she said "and that's why I think Trump gets a bad rap". My smile went away as she went on to wax poetic about Donald J Trump. I couldn't figure out what kind of mental gymnastics she went through to arrive at Trump loves brown people as is the guy to vote for if you love immigrants. Wild.
  17. "One of the good ones" is a thing for Latinos too huh? Who knew
  18. I've seen that on my FB feed. People acting like it's the worst thing ever because they were immigrants. Meanwhile nobody cared when those black guys took over the Carter and were selling their crack cocaine out of there.
  19. I mean, what are we doing right now? Is this simulation 4? You were told to run simulation 4.
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