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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Every black dude who has worked in a professional setting has heard this line.....lulz
  2. MAGA's real agenda is White Christian Nationalism. As long as Trump is largely on that train they will ignore any other nonsensical thing that clown does. Better yet they will defend it. That is why they are yelling you will not replace us, and holding up mass deportation signs at rallies. Trump has crashed the economy. Driven a wedge into families. Ended a wildly popular 50 year old piece of legislation. Fumbled the only crisis he had under his administration. Said there were very fine people on both sides. Insulted all women. Insulted black people. Insulted AND disrespected military MULTIPLE TIMES. Mocked a disabled reporter. Muslim ban. Killed Net Neutrality. Raped someone. Paid a pornstar to cover up his infidelity. Said grab em by the pussy. Said he can go in and look at pageant participants naked, sometimes under age. Put his kids in the West Wing. Tried to withhold aide to Ukraine unless they dug up dirt on Hunter Biden. Got convicted of 34 felonies. Separated families at the border. Showed classified info. Stacked the Supreme court. Praised Putin, and conducted 5 private meetings with him. Wrote love letters to Kim Jong Un. Tried to get rid of the popular ACA. Cut taxes for the wealthy. Started trade wars with China. Pulled the US out of the Iran Deal and Paris Accords. Said he was pulling out of NATO. Said he won't defend anyone that is delinquent financially. Tried to get Georgia to produce votes. Tried to steal an election. TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. If that doesn't stop you from pulling the lever for someone. Nothing will. Not spaced on purpose btw.
  3. My people came here peacefully too. They even were so grateful for the ride that they worked for free for a long time as a way to say thank you.
  4. Black people DO NOT answer unknown numbers. So the polling for us is always going to be wrong.
  5. I take no offense my man. I found it funny. Many things slip through the cracks here and I hadn't seen it. My bad. I was properly scolded by @HenryJames
  6. I ain't gonna lie to you. I kinda felt bad for Pence when this was happening. Harris was eating him alive, and then she took control of the moderator as well. Whenever they were questioning her "blackness" my first thought was they didn't see the VP debate in 2020.
  7. Black people weren't included when Boomers were taking roll call. GenX is taking Obama.
  8. I'm Black, so seat 2 with a Durag and Nike slides on. Though I am sure once the lights went off I would get a friendly tap on the shoulder asking to come to seat 9.............................or 10.
  9. A little different take on all that. Progressives have been winning. Slowly but surely this country has pushed forward and Conservatives have had to adapt to stay relevant. We've become more inclusive. What was once acceptable to say about people of color is no longer tolerant. We have a woman with a good shot at being POTUS. Conservatives have had to get even more creative with their dog-whistling. The one area is the boomers fucked us financially. By the time we were conscious of politics they(beginning with Reagan) had screwed us for decades and we are still trying to pick ourselves up off the mat. Make no mistake though, Late GenXers, Millennials, and Early GenZers aren't messing around.
  10. Yep. I experience this phenomenon first hand. The clutching of pearls anytime I tell anyone from my suburb I also own assault rifles.
  11. Lol. Man, always the same talking points with these guys. I see them on Twitter, FB, Youtube, and now even here. Does Kamala have any policies out yet? She is scared to do interviews. DEI hire. Kamala is not blek. She sucked her way to the top. What's weird about the whole thing is that MAGA is comprised of a bunch of dude incapable of individual thought. They spend all day everyday passing along memes, never fact-checking anything, and regurgitating easily refutable talking points.
  12. White folks love the word cunt. I personally don't get it but carry on.
  13. DA, AG, Senator, and you know, Vice President of the United States of "fuck yeah" America. Imagine thinking his resume is not qualified. Couldn't imagine what the real reason why you think she is unqualified.
  14. The Black community, after decades of being told to pick itself up by the bootstraps, has some really wild self-hating people amongst it's ranks. You thought Dave Chapelle was just doing a fictional bit. Nope. He was making fun of a sect that is actually out there. It's a shame.
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