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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. You seem to be confused on which side are Nazis. Let me help you. Just vote for whatever side the gays are voting for.
  2. Absolutely fucking brilliant strategy. Kamala knows as a black woman if she gets too "uppity" it won't be received well. The angry black woman moniker will come flying right out. With Walz she can stick to the message and he can attack through jokes and he is the kind of guy you have to really try hard to hate. Everyone knows a guy like him. He reminds you of a coworker, dad, uncle, grandpa, coach. As such nothing is going to stick to that dude.
  3. All 5 black people that live in Minn. Prince was there too.
  4. To me with all the weird moves Trump is making I think his whole play is just to cry foul on election night and try to destroy the democracy again.
  5. Geezus f-ing kryst!! Saying you are black doesn't mean you have to denounce the other part. What we are trying to tell you is that Kamala Harris clearly acknowledged being black and you can tell that by her rushing the blackest sorority in America and going to the most prestigious black college in these here United States. No one is confused about her also being Indian. In fact, people on this thread don't even fucking care, and we find it extremely WEIRD that you do.
  6. It's like no one remembers all the rags talking about the coming inflation in 2020 long before we knew who the pres was going to be. And who was the guy at the helm in 2020 Donald?
  7. Imagine how exhausting it is when the world hates you for your skin color and you are just trying to be the best human you can be. Then imagine you fall ill and the governor of your own state and posters on Surly come out with hateful statements. Now imagine some dude on Surly being all up in arms because you aren't the warmest towards people after the way that you have been treated through the years. A simple lack of compassion from you. She was 16 when this happened. Years of this shit but you expect her to be all smiles and hugs?
  8. I've talked shit with Derka since 08. I said this back on the banhammer thread, but this place wouldn't be the same without him. Sure, we all get heated and argue until we are blue in the face, but it's all love and we are like a big family.
  9. Well Surly, she made it! The kid was offered and she accepted. We now have a D1 volleyball commit. It was a lot of hard work and frustration getting here but the look on her face when the coach offered her over the phone was worth every bit of it. 16 years old and making big life decisions.
  10. Big Dawg, awhile back my daughter had some struggles and we checked her into one of those facilities. The conditions were awful and they treated her like a convict. Needless to say we checked her out after a few days, we wouldn't let her go the full week. After that we got her some help and she is still seeing a therapist today. From what I've seen on the outside looking in get yourself a therapist and stay diligent with sessions.
  11. Attended Howard University. The MOST prestigious Black College in America. Rushed AKA, the oldest and most prestigious Black Sorority in America. Sounds like she has always identified as Black to me. Look, you guys running with this weird narrative are missing wildly. Here is why. Black people, and anyone who understands how racism works in North America know this. Being Black isn't about what YOU think it is. Being Black is a lifelong experience. Tiger Woods ethnic mix only became a topic once he got famous. No one cared that he wasn't allowed in certain clubhouses as a kid. He was just living the same experience that any other Black kid was living at that time period. Kamala Harris has lived the Black Experience. You don't get to take that away from her now. All the racism she has faced. All the obstacles she has had to overcome. The weird racial comments and misogynistic views are only serving to galvanize her base and push independents further away. By all means lets keep the narrative going......
  12. My daughter is Chinese, Black, and White. What should she identify as? Is there a form she needs to fill out? Does she have to participate in this?
  13. and before BrothaHorn points it out I see the irony of being on here and people saying "this guy gets it!". Lol.
  14. Self loathing Blacks. Gotta love em. When I was growing up I remember looking around and the community was so broken. I remember being so angry that we didn't pick ourselves up by the boot straps. Then I did the required reading and starting seeing how there were obstacles intentionally placed at every turn and it all started to make sense to me. I read about the run on black owned anything as soon as the Union soldiers cleared out during reconstruction. I read about Debt Peonage. Jim Crowe. Racial Covenants in property deeds. Redlining. Nixon's War on Drugs. Reagan's War on Drugs. Mass Incarceration. Now when I drive through poor areas I see the highways cutting through. I see the lack of corporate investing. I see how even though they are in the same county, the tax dollars find a way to clean the trash on the side of the road in some neighborhoods over others. What I don't understand is any educated black person who did the required reading, shrugged, and went on to grifting for a check. How can you hop in front of a camera and embarrass your entire family and heritage like that? Even if you actually believed the things you said, you know damn well why you are being propped up. It's okay to believe but don't let people use you against your own people to say the things they can't say about your community. It doesn't bother them to log onto twitter and see a snippet of you saying something posted by some hillbilly saying, " see...he is one of the good ones".
  15. The fuck are you going on about? I was agreeing with you jackass. I was saying that what you went through cannot be explained unless you've experienced it, and yes, there are people out there that get this treatment on the regular. That is not to say that anything to lessen your experience, it's just pointing out hard fact. You went full Derka for no damn reason at all and everyone knows you never go full Derka. Also, you throw a full 3 year old tantrum on a message board on someone you don't know and you have the nerve to call ME emotionally stunted? Fuck outta here.
  16. Hard to argue with this take.
  17. This right here is the problem. No one believes how brutal cops are until they turn on you. I was the recipient of the boot many times when I was younger and it quite frankly makes you the kind of anger that tears are streaming out of your eyes. Being violated like that. Until you experience it you just can't put it in words. You felt it one time. Imagine this being the reg in your youth.
  18. " Excuse me would you come with me. President Trump wants you to sit closer to the stage". Those facial expressions are of people who realized they've just been used. Look at how none of them are happy or smiling. They can't wait to get out of there. It's like the time I got sent to the Black Executives of America conference in DC. Lol. I felt the same way. Dirty.
  19. Yeah...........This isn't having the effect they think it is. They are pissing off the wrong demographic considering who he is running against. DEI hire? Ditch the hoodrat act? Isn't Black? the GOP is really really out of touch with the Black community. When it was those two old white guys the apathy ran rampant in the Black community. After all the repubs are always bad for us and the other dude wrote the 94 crime bill. We have been promised a lot by one side only for them to sit on their hands once they are in office. The other side has been taking a sledgehammer to the Black community since the 60's. Black people have lost faith in the system all together. However, now you are talking about a chance to put the first Black Woman in as POTUS? All the GOP is doing is pouring gasoline on the fire.
  20. They found the 20 Black people across the country willing to vote for that clown. Brothahorn is on the right.
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