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  1. Lady Bird Lake is 18 feet deep at it's deepest point.
  2. Yeah, I've been treed by a Brahman cow. Was stuck there for about 4 hours until she lost interest.
  3. Do Waterworld and The Postman belong here? Both are really stupid movies that I will always watch if I run across them while flipping channels late at night.
  4. So, German hippos?
  5. It doesn't sharpen the blades, but eventually it will clog your drain pipe. Good luck with that.
  6. Absolutely. I just assume most of them are aggy.
  7. 6 seconds. 6 seconds between putting my car in reverse and putting in park, dead center of the parking spot. Anyone who identifies as male should instinctively know how to back into a parking spot on the first try.
  8. Nice shirt!
  9. I loved the movie, but hated Bob. He served absolutely no purpose.
  10. That's some top notch victim blaming right there.
  11. Obvious plant is obvious.
  12. Does seem a little obvious, doesn't it?
  13. It's my understanding they did investigate him, knew he did it, but could never prove it.
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