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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. We don't need the mess. Bunch of bull junk on a football thread. Remember, if you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good, If you play good, they pay good.
  2. Have you not watched or read any interview or clip about Coach Prime? Bull junk comes out about 15 times. Nothing personal
  3. Don't think so. Been hammering zero alcohol Guinness all afternoon
  4. Next night home game. I kinda like some versions but I think it was this year they debuted a really "white" (no racist) jersey. To me, the research and all that is pretty cool
  5. Oregon is really good and we all knew this was gonna happen. Going to be a long 3 weeks for the Buffs
  6. He is definitely making a point on the field
  7. Bunch of bull junk. Other bull junk was Coach getting a parking ticket on CU campus this week
  8. Why are you talking that mess and bull junk
  9. Getting ugly in Autzen. Terrible D mental mistakes. But, kick the damn ball
  10. Such a classic!!! The boots, the sword, the concussion (and I am retired from Uncle Sugar's Army and the corps isn't even an embarrassment because I never thought of them and only met one dude and he was actually pretty ok)
  11. Shotgun zone read brings back some bad memories
  12. Slow whistle. Refs letting them play until someone gets hurt
  13. Ag field crew couldn't center up the TP on the 20. Excellence at all levels
  14. Anyone else have the feeling that this is going to go into 9 OTs?
  15. Why would you drink a zero alcohol Guinness? Just admit you have a problem at that point
  16. What?? That was wonderful! So All-World Weigman hurt or something? I got on this thread late.
  17. Dumb question and don't know of this was asked and answered but what is the "TP" across the SEC logo on the field?
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