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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by coachherman'sgrill

  1. There is just something about getting your nuts dragged by the fucking NYT......
  2. Searched and couldn't find anything............. He is up in Pennsylvania https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-football/news/ethen-knox-unknown-phenom-rushing-over-350-yards-game/oyggjodfs5lfb9nifvmq765w
  3. Exactly!! Damon trying to escape its ethereal human cage?
  4. zafzo2:25p In reply to Muy "We're close. Next year is our year..." Always next year with these weirdos
  5. Hope springs eternal......[emoji1787][emoji1787]
  6. I don't know which is worse, Reggie's stupid fucking green bean casserole bit or Tim Fuck you Tebow (can't stand that mother fucker) commercial
  7. How in the fuck do they review that but not the previous "pass"???
  8. Easy now, you are using common sense to try and leverage technology or some other techno speak
  9. D is going to get a stop, limit them to 3. We come out with a healthy dose of Bijan and RoJo to get 7. D steps up again and another smash mouth run heavy series. PS L-o-fucking-l
  10. Wow, Hutson hurt, Ewers got blown up, and plenty of time left.
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